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CC1310: No TX or RX while testing with LAUNCHXL-CC1310 as transmitter

Part Number: CC1310

Hi All,

Excuse me if my post is not in right forum.

I have designed a gateway board using CC1310 as an SPI slave to an other master MCU to read temperature measurement from remote sensors. Sensors are also designed around CC1310.

My design is based on the LAUNCHXL-CC1310 (almost a copy past). After establishing the communication over SPI between my main MCU and CC1310 in the gateway board, i'm trying to get my board to communicate with a remote sensor.

To do so i m using my board together with a LAUNCHXL-CC1310 as transmitter. I'm using the program provided by CCS RF packet RX in my gateway board and RF packet TX in the LAUNCHXL-CC1310 board. 

I'm using the program as is without any changes in the code. My problem now is that when using two LAUNCHXL-CC1310 boards (one for TX and one for RX) everything work fine, but when setting my gateway board as a receiver, i do not receive anything. In reversal also while using my gateway board as transmittre i do not receive any thing at the LAUNCHXL-CC1310 board.

It is very strange as even if my antenna matching is so bad, at small distance (10cm) between the boards i should receive something, but is not the case.

Can anyone have an idea what could be the problem ? How to debug this issue.

Hope to get able to solve this issue with your help.

Kind regards