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LAUNCHXL-CC1350-4: WMBUS S2/C2 Collector do not response

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1350-4

Hi guys,

I use WMBUS API from

I use a pair CC1350 for Meter and Collector. The other CC1350 for checking the status of WMBUS.

The API is woking in configuration "APL_CC13XX_Meter_T2_C2" in  T mode.

Collector will send information by receiving 5 of SND-NR.

I change the configuration to "APL_CC13xx_Meter_S2" & "API_CC13xx_Collector_S2" and "APL_CC13XX_Meter_T2_C2"  & "APL_CC13XX_Collector_C2".

The meter sent SND_NR periodic, but the collector didn't response .

Is there something must to be modify in API of changing configuration?


  • I am not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to test and what works, and what does not work.

    Please specify in details what exactly you are trying to do, and what we need to do to re-create the issue at our end.

    Another thing, you are using a 433 MHz reference design, but are using settings for 868 MHz. 

    You should use the 868 MHz LP when doing the testing.


  • Hi Siri,

    My problem is "the collector doesn't send SND_UD when receiving 5 of SND_NR in S Mode or C Mode".

    Is there something must to be modified in API of changing configuration?

    Using the same module, the collector sent SND_UD  when receiving 5 of SND_NR in T Mode.  


  • I have checked with Stackforce that is making the stack, and you should not have to do anything other than building the wanted configuration (S mode meter and collector).

    Are you sure that the problem is the transmitting part? Have you confirmed that the S mode packets are received?

    Again, running 868 MHz on a 433 board is not ideal, and might be the issue here.

    Note that S mode operates on another frequency than C mode and T mode.


  • Hi Siri,

    I use launchxl-CC1310 for the case and I saw that  the collector build some communication with meter in S mode(S2). (I change 433 board to 868 board)  

    I do the same thing in C mode, but the collector of C mode(C2) happened the same issue (use 433 board issue in S mode).

    The meter of C mode just sent SND_NR periodic but I didn't find any communication in C mode.

    Is there something must to be modified in API of changing configuration in C mode?(C2)


  • No, it should not. Please explain in details what SW configuration you are building and downloading to each board, and which commands you are sending to both collector and meter.

    If I get a step by step guide as to what to do, I can test the same on my end.


  • Hi Siri,


    I download the program from .


    In meter side, I changed configurations to APL_CC13xx_Meter_T2_C2.

    And I change wmbus_setMode(WMBUS_MODE_T2) to  wmbus_setMode(WMBUS_MODE_C2) .


    In collector side, I just change configurations to APL_CC13xx_Collector_C2.


    I didn’t send any commands to collector and meter. Because the meter sent SND-NR to Collector and Collector sent SND-UD… like below picture in T2/S2 mode.

    So I think the action is the same in C2 mode.


    I check the meter RF signal that sent frequency 868.95MHz and data rate 100k by NRZ code.

    I think the meter working normal.


    But I didn’t find any signal in frequency 869.525MHz and data rate 50k.

    So I think the collector working error.


    I use LAUNCHXL-CC1310 to be meter and collector.

    My compiler version is TI v20.2.4.LTS.



  • Hi

    As I do not have a wmbus sniffer, I asked SF for help and below are their response:

    "So, we have downloaded the wmbus stacks from I see that the version is v.2.0.0.

    Then, we run the following configurations on two CC1310 Launchpads.


    1. CC13xx_RTOS_Lib_Use [APL_CC13xx_Meter_T2_C2]
      > Change wmbus_setMode(WMBUS_MODE_T2) to wmbus_setMode(WMBUS_MODE_C2) in the application
      The rest of the application is untouched. Therefore, this will be a C-mode meter.
    2. CC13xx_RTOS_Lib_Use [APL_CC13xx_Collector_C2]
      Application is untouched. We just run it directly. Therefore, this is a C-mode collector.


    C-mode meter sends frame at 868.95 MHz frequency, whereas C-mode collector sends frame at 869.525 MHz

    We setup two sniffers to monitor the communication at two frequencies.

    Apparently, there is communication between meter and collector. Let me break it down for simple visualization. 

    • Meter sends normal telegram (SND-NR) every 8 secs
    • After receiving five SND-NR telegrams, collector starts communication by sending SND-UD telegram to meter
    • After receiving SND-UD, meter responds with ACK
    • The collector then sends SND-NKE to close the communication
    • After receiving SND-NKE, the meter goes back to send normal telegram (SND-NR) every 8 secs again


    This is according to the diagram shown in example application.

    In summary, I think the issue is how did the customer monitor the communication and if he is monitoring it correctly or not.

    Another possibility to check is – if he is debugging either meter or collector project, he could try to set the breakpoint inside the following callback functions:

    • wmbus_apl_mtr_indication_rx() – meter project
    • wmbus_apl_col_indication_rx() – collector project

    The stack will trigger these callback functions in case a frame is received."

    Hop this helps.
