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CC1352P7: Partial entry mode with repeats, setting new packet length

Part Number: CC1352P7


I'm working on a custom protocol sniffer where the length information is in the first few bytes of the packet. I have the partial receive code working well after I understood the queue and got it working correctly. It works when I set the length for the first received packet and if all subsequent packets have the same length. I can successfully receive multiple packets of the same size with no delay in between. However if I change the length of the packet using the direct command CMD_PROP_SET_LEN after it has already been set once, I get the RF_StatCmdDoneError. Then subsequent packets can only be received with the previous length. Can you only set the length once? I am using repeat mode so the radio stays in RX mode after it receives a packet.

I have tried running the CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX and that didn't resolve this problem. I was only able to set the length again if I cancel the RX command and go to RX mode again. However this takes too long and I miss receiving packets when there is no delay in between packets.


  • I have checked this with R&D, and it in not possible to use the CMD_PROP_SET_LEN together with repeat mode.

    Why do need the CMD_PROP_SET_LEN in the first place? If you use the advanced RX command you can use repeat mode and the length can be anywhere within the header (4 first bytes after sync).


  • Thanks Siri, the length byte is beyond the first 4 bytes. I'm using it to receive zwave packets. ZWave has the length byte as the 8th byte. I did figure out a solution though. I put the cancel and start rx command at the beginning of the RX interrupt. That way there is a little more time to setup the radio before receiving a packet.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Glad you were able to find a work-around.

