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CC1312R: how to increase the number of Max Devices on TI-15.4 stack collectors?

Part Number: CC1312R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK, SYSCONFIG


According to previous posts on this forum and also notes in syscfg file, we can increase the number of Max Devices up to 150 from the default number 50. I have to two questions on how to actually do this:

1) where do we change MAX_DEVICE_TABLE_ENTRIES?

It is mentioned that we need to change this number so it is as big as or bigger than MAX Devices. This macro is said to be in project specific .opts file. In the example collector project imported from SDK v7.x, there seems to be only one opts file, collector.opts. I don't see an entry for MAX_DEVICE_TABLE_ENTRIES. I also don't find such entry in predefined symbols in project properties.

2) Do we need to increase the size of NVS?

It is recommended to be done in Z-Stack coordinator, but not mentioned in 15.4 stack collectors as of SDK7.x. I tend to think we should. Could someone confirm?



  • Hi Zhiyong,

    The SysConfig note regarding collector.opts should be deprecated. The MAX devices and MAX_DEVICE_TABLE_ENTRIES are the same and auto generated by sysconfig, all you need to do is change the max devices setting in Sysconfig.

    It looks like NVS size is sufficiently large enough to hold the increase in the number of devices.

