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CCS/CC1190: Use 1190 in CC1310 high speed mode

Part Number: CC1190
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi all,

 We want to use CC1190 with CC1310, and the CC1190 was successfully opened in CC1310`s PROPRIETARY mode;But it does work in CC1310 high speed mode, we used Pin_open()and Pin_setOutputValue() to control the transceiver switching of CC1190.So why it cannot work in high speed mode but can work in PROPRIETARY mode.

  • Hello,

    Can you please post the code used to configure IOs to control CC1190?

  • Hi SVS,

    We use follow codes:

            //  PINCC26XX_setMux(ledPinHandle, CC1310_LAUNCHXL_DIO29_ANALOG, PINCC26XX_MUX_RFC_GPO0);
          //    PINCC26XX_setMux(ledPinHandle, CC1310_LAUNCHXL_DIO30_ANALOG, PINCC26XX_MUX_RFC_GPO1);
             PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, CC1310_LAUNCHXL_DIO28_ANALOG,1);//high gain
             PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, CC1310_LAUNCHXL_DIO29_ANALOG, 1);
             PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, CC1310_LAUNCHXL_DIO30_ANALOG, 0);//tx mode

    And it can work in RF_prop_fsk.

  • Hi,

    I finally find this in the PER example:

     /* Modify Setup command and TX Power depending on using Range Extender or not
         * Using CC1310 + CC1190 can only be done for the following PHYs:
         * fsk (50 kbps, 2-GFSK)
         * lrm (Legacy Long Range)
         * sl_lr (SimpleLink Long Range) */

    Does that mean CC1190 doesn't support High Speed mode?

  • For ETSI the band allowing 27 dBm output power is 250 kHz wide meaning that using HSM on this frequency will not comply with regulations.
    For FCC I assume PSD would be a issue.