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CC1120DK: PER Test plot/Master Connection failure

Part Number: CC1120DK

We have the CC1120DK.
We try to test the modules like in the TI video(, but at the Master I can't run PER STATISTICS and plot the connection because I do not have menu like that.
At start, under Main Menu also we have 5 submenus different like in your video:
1.PER Test
2.Easy Link Test
3.RX Sniff Test
4.Chip Information
5.Set Contrast
Also at Linking device Master says "Device linking failed" but the Slave meanwhile says "Test Running" I do not know if it is OK or NOT.
At device start it is written v4.3 .From Smart RF Studio 7 I updated but nothing changed.
Can you help please?

  • Hi Szabo,
    Are you able to make RF link with SmartRF Studio?
    Try re-flashing the boards with PER test software here
  • Thank you for reply.

    I chose USB Mode:Enable and Smart RF.
    This way I see the EM in Smart RF Studio 7, but I could not link the two EM devices this way via Radio Frequency.
    I could link the two EM devices only in UART Mode, but at the Master side tells "Linking failed", but they are linked because the Slave tells "Test Running".After This I cant plot at EB display the PER Statistics, because I have no such menu.

    I could not reflash the TrxEB.I read the EB User Guide Firmware Update part.I downloaded  Smart RF Programmer 2 and connected MSP with EB and started Smart RF Programmer, but did not recognise the EB.
    Can you help with steps?

  • Hi,
    Did you try the steps here:
    Also, Flash Programmer 2 is for ARM based devices and will not work on MSP430.
    For flashing the PER firmware you will also need MSP-FET430 debugger.

    Regarding SmartRF studio setup see if Exercise 2, pg24 works on your setup:
  • It is solved.Thank You.Now it works plotting PER Statistics on Master Module.
    Yes, I have MSP-FET430UIF USB Debugger Interface.
    At TrxEB RF PER Test Software Example User’s Guide says I can program MSP430(MSP-FET430UIF USB Debugger Interface) with IAR Embedded Workbench or SmartRF Flash programmer.You said that SmartRF Flash Programmer is not working with my modules.
    So I have no choice than to buy IAR?