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CC1125DK PER Range Testing "Slave: test running but Master: device linking failure"

Hi ,

We were doing some 3Km PER range test at 868 MHZ with current measurement on RF side, and observed that the Slave device displayed "Test Running" while on the Master " Device Linking Failure.."

Its seems like the link as actually established from the Slave's point of view .. but not quite on the Master ?

Note that two devices were not perfectly(c.90%)in line-of-sight condition,with small trees and shrubs in between and probably less than 20 meters difference in elevation between the two.

Could this possibly be the reason or maybe something else ? 

appreciate any help or explanation.



  • Hi

    The way the configuration works is that the Master sends an configuration packet to the slave which in turn sends an acknowledgment back to the Master before it starts sending the PER test packets.

    We have seen this issue where the link may be a bit marginal and the master does not receive that ack packet form the slave before a timeout occurs.

    Which version of the PER test are you using. Try to move the devices closer for the configuration part and as son as you have a link up and running, move the devices further a part again.

    If this does not help please let me know.

  • Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    I might be doing again field test only this weekend and will try as you have just recommended

    However your question re version of the PER test got me thinking : To ensure that both are running of same PER test version,I tried to reload the ver.C of the PER test hex file using the flash programmer ver.1 and was only successful on one of the evaluation board. The other board's MS340 MCU seems not recognized i.e."  in use...device unknown" is being displayed.

    Please see attached picture. Any idea what is causing this?

    Thanks again,
