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CCS/CC1310: Wake-Up from Sleep Timer with NORTOS

Part Number: CC1310

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi all,

I'm working on a CC1310 launch pad without RTOS and am looking to have it transmit a message over the wireless interface on two conditions: 

1.) When 5 minutes have elapsed and no messages have been sent from the board

2.) When one of the 2 buttons on the launch pad is pressed

When not transmitting a message, the board goes into sleep mode. I've managed to get the 2nd condition down easily by just using the rfWakeOnRadioTx example, but am still unsure as to how I should implement the first alongside it. My first plan was to use the RTC to generate an interrupt every 5 minutes, but I don't know whether the RTC is already configured with a periodic interrupt for the RF section and therefore is unusable for my application. 

Any advice on how to get this done is appreciated.