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CC1190: TIDA-010032 and CC1190

Part Number: CC1190
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-010032, , TIDA-010024, CC1310, TIDA-010003


I try to evaluate the 6LoWPAN examples TIDA-010032 and TIDA-010024 together with a CC1190 Range Extender on the gateway.

The setup is working well, if I use CC1312 and CC1310 Lauchpads as a Coprocessor. But if I try to use the CC1310-CC1190 LaunchPad, the gateway is not able to detect the sensor nodes.

I already configured the host.config.h in the collector application:

#define CONFIG_TRANSMIT_POWER        27

and checked the I/O configuration in features.h for the coprocessor:

/* CC1190 */
#define Board_PALNA_HGM                   IOID_28         /* HGM */
#define Board_PALNA_LNA                   IOID_29         /* LNA */
#define Board_PALNA_PA                    IOID_30         /* PA */

Can you tell if the CC1190 is supported in this example applications?

If not, where is a good starting point for implementing this in the 6LoWPAN stack?

Thanks for your help and best regards
