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CC1111USB_REFDES: fr5739otaupdate software not detecting my USB RF access point

Part Number: CC1111USB_REFDES

I am completely new to RF and right now I am just trying to verify that my components are working.

When I plug in my CC1111 USB RF access point into the computer, the green LED turns on, and it shows up in device manager:

But when I open the fr5739otaupdate software, it gives me this warning:

I am trying to follow this tutorial:

But I can't do any of it if the software isn't recognizing my USB dongle. Does anyone know why the software is not recognizing the USB dongle?

  • Hi Charles,

    Did you follow all installation instructions for the eZ430-Chronos PC software found in the eZ430-Chronos Development Tool User's Guide (SLAU292)?  What's important appears to be that the RF access point is listed under Ports (COM & LPT) as TI CC1111 Low-Power RF to USB CDC Serial Port.  The CC-DEBUGGER is required to program the CC1111 based RF access point. To perform the update, the FLASH-PROGRAMMER software is used to on the PC.


  • When I try to follow the instructions to install the eZ430-Chronos PC software, the links don't take me to where I can download the software. I still can't find that software anywhere. Here are those links from the SLAU292 user guide:

    Also, a few questions:

    1.) What is the eZ430-Chronos PC software for? When I look it up, it seems like it is for programming that wrist watch, which I don't have, that's why I thought I didn't need it.

    2.) I don't have the CC-Debugger, here are the only things I do have:

    - MSP-EXP430FR5739 

    - CC1110EM board that plugs in to the MSP430 board. The CC1110EM board has an antenna on it and a CC1111-F32 chip on it

    - the USB dongle already mentioned

    - the code for IAR that came with the installation of the fr5739otaupdate software

    Am I able to do basic RF with what I have, or do I need additional things like the CC debugger to be able to anything at all?

  • The MSP-EXP430FR5739 does not have an XDS debugger capable of programming the CC1111 access point, and without this it is unknown what firmware exists on the CC1111 device.


  • A small correction here: To debug CC1111 a CCDebugger is needed. This is not a XDS debugger. The CC1110/ CC1111 UserGuide describe the debug interface.

  • Part Number: CC1111USB_REFDES

    I have my CCC1111 USB dongle connected to a CC Debugger now. The USB dongle is connected to the CC Debugger through its 10 debug pins, not the test pins, and the CC Debugger is connected to the computer via USB. The USB dongle is also connected to the computer via USB.

    The SmartRF Studio 7 software works with this, it detects it and I double click it and open the CC1111 device control panel. 

    But the fr5739otaupdate does not detect anything, and I get this same error:

    Does anyone know how I can get the fr5739otaupdate software to recognize my CC111 USB dongle?

  • Charles,

    The fr5739otaupdate software expects the CC1111F32 USB RF Access Point to be directly connected to the PC and loaded with the C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\eZ430- Chronos\Recovery\RF Access Point hex file.  The CC1111 should not be connected to SMARTRFTM-STUDIO and eZ430_Chronos_CC.dll should be properly installed and operating, you can view Section 3.6.5 and Appendix B of SLAU292 for more information.


  • Thank you. Unfortunately I can't find that eZ430 Chronos software anywhere. The links in section 3.6.5 get an error 404. I've tried just searching for "eZ430 Chronos software" and I haven't found anywhere I can download it.

  • You can follow-up on the MSP low-power microcontrollers forum since they maintain this software.
