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TIDC-CC3200SMARTPLUG: cc3200 Smart plug

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200


I  designed a smart plug based on the reference design of the SimpleLink Wi-Fi® CC3200 Smart Plug. in the schematic and the design guide you use specific pin for the line and another one for neutral. As i am in Japan we have non polarized cord and we are unable to distinguish from neutral and line. I would like to confirm if is it ok to swipe them or it could cause some dangerous stuff? Is there a way to distinguish between line and neutral for a non polarized cord?

Another concern, I followed the exact same design and everything in the PCB seems ok, I soldered the PCB without mistakes (no short everything goes smoothly) but once i connected the power (without a load, just the smart plug) the resistor mentioned in the schematic as R48 blows up. Is there any problem with that?

Last question, Do we have the opportunity to purchase the product made by you in order to do the test and confirmation?

Thank you for your support and looking forward to your reply.

Best regards.

