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CC3235MODSF: Triggered roaming

Part Number: CC3235MODSF


hi try to use Triggered roaming : 

SlWlanNetworkAssistedRoaming_t roamingTriggeringEnable;
roamingTriggeringEnable.Enable = 1;
roamingTriggeringEnable.rssiThreshold = -63;
sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_STA_NETWORK_ASSISTED_ROAMING, SL_WLAN_ROAMING_TRIGGERING_ENABLE, sizeof(SlWlanNetworkAssistedRoaming_t ), (_u8 *)&roamingTriggeringEnable );

1. can you tell me if the function "Triggered roaming"  retains its settings when the module is switched off ? 

2. does it work with all connections policy?

3. Is it possible to know in which SL_WLAN_STA_NETWORK_ASSISTED_ROAMING the module currently is?



  • 1. Configuration should be persistent.

    2. It should work with all the conn policies.

    3.are you asking to which network the device is connect? you can use:

    _i16 RetVal = 0 ;
    _u16 Len = sizeof(SlWlanConnStatusParam_t) ;
    SlWlanConnStatusParam_t WlanConnectInfo ;
    RetVal = sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CONNECTION_INFO, NULL, &Len, (_u8* )&WlanConnectInfo);