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WL1837MOD: Linux/: building the WL18xx software, what's wrong?

Part Number: WL1837MOD

Hi evrybody

I am building  the WL18xx software:

lyudmila@lyudmila-linuxmint ~/wl8-build_Point9-6 $ git clone git://
Клонирование в «build-utilites»…
remote: Counting objects: 928, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (452/452), done.
remote: Total 928 (delta 509), reused 761 (delta 456)
Получение объектов: 100% (928/928), 12.83 MiB | 2.38 MiB/s, готово.
Определение изменений: 100% (509/509), готово.
Проверка соединения… готово.

lyudmila@lyudmila-linuxmint ~/wl8-build_Point9-6 $ cd build-utilites
lyudmila@lyudmila-linuxmint ~/wl8-build_Point9-6/build-utilites $ ./ init
 Changing ROOTFS path to /media/lyudmila/rfs
 Using user defined kernel
Makefile was found. Kernel version was set to 4.4.139.
   *****  initializing workspace (w/o build)  *****  
Cloning into:  kernel 
Cloning into:  openssl 
Клонирование в «/home/lyudmila/wl8-build_Point9-6/build-utilites/src/openssl»…
fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Время ожидания соединения истекло

Cloning into:  libnl 
Клонирование в «/home/lyudmila/wl8-build_Point9-6/build-utilites/src/libnl»…
fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Время ожидания соединения истекло


All other packages are cloned successfully.

What's wrong? Why are openssl and libnl not cloned?

setup-env file contents:

# \\\//
# -(o o)-
# This file contains the exports needed for automating the
# build process of WLAN components.
# Place this file in the same directory with
# build scripts. No need to run 'source setup-env', the build
# scripts will perfom it internaly.
# User specific environment settings - use full PATH

# if DEFAULT toolchain path is set toolchain will be downloaded to ./toolchain.
export TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/home/lyudmila/timesysPoint9-6/twr_vf600/toolchain/bin

# if DEFAULT path to root filesystem is set ./fs folder will be used.
#export ROOTFS=/home/lyudmila/timesysPoint9-6/twr_vf600/kernel-source/linux-4.4/rfs
export ROOTFS=/media/lyudmila/rfs

#if DEFAULT kernel path is set - kernel will be downloaded (set branch to match kernel version)
export KERNEL_PATH=/home/lyudmila/timesysPoint9-6/twr_vf600/kernel-source/linux-4.4

# if KERNEL_VARIANT below is set the build script will look for kernel specific
# patches under the patches directory:
# - patches under the pathces/driver_patches/$KERNEL_VARIANT directory would be
# applied during "modules" build.
# - patches under the patches/kernel_patches/$/$KERNEL_VARIANT directory would
# be applied to the kernel pointed by KERNEL_PATH in case the "patch_kernel"
# command is used.
# Note: the kernel is not built automatically after the patches are applied
export KERNEL_VARIANT=4.4.139-ts-armv7l

export CROSS_COMPILE=armv7l-timesys-linux-gnueabi-
export ARCH=arm

  • Hello,

    Could you try cloning those repositories individually? As in, could you try cloning those repositories from the command line? Does it fail then as well?

    I believe github changed some of their rules so you may have to use https:// instead of git:// . These can be edited in script. 

  • Hello Sabeeh.

    I used https:// instead of git:// for openssl and libnl. It helped, thanks. The ./ init command completed successfully.

    After that I ran the command:
    lyudmila@lyudmila-linuxmint ~/wl8-build_Point9-6/build-utilites $ ./ update R8.7_SP3

    ./utils/ --ssl pubkeys/ pubkeys/ keys-ssl.c
    File "./utils/", line 6
    except ImportError, e:
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    Makefile:126: recipe execution error for target «keys-ssl.c»
    make: *** [keys-ssl.c] Error 1
    make: ***Waiting for tasks to complete…
    ****** ERROR 0 *******

    There is an error on the line except ImportError, e:

    How to spell correctly?
  • Hi evrybody

    About 2 years ago I ran thе ./ update R8.7_SP3
    command and it completed successfully.
    Now it fails with the above error.

    Have there been any changes since then?

  • Hello again.
    I found the solution.
    I have python 3.8 enabled by default. I switched to python 2.7 and 
    thе ./ update R8.7_SP3 command completed successfully.

    Thank you.