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CC3230SF: Programming custom board via launchpad CC3235XL

Part Number: CC3230SF
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG, UNIFLASH


My setup looks like:

 - LaunchPad CC3235SFXL

- custom board CC3230SF

- CC3230SF -- JTAG connection to LaunchPad

- launchpad connected via USB to computer

- SOP jumper setting of LaunchPad - 000

- J9 of Launchpad is jumped (TX,RX)

--Started with simplink empty project and configure the sysconfig based on CC3230SF 


How do I connect to custom board via launchpad? The current setup 

2. Flashing empty project fails with an error. It throws can you please guide me through this problem:

  • Hi,

    For programming from Uniflash you need to use UART (TX, TX, RST, GND). For more details see Production Line Guide. At your image above you have connected JTAG pins. JTAG can be used from debug from CCS. But at first step you need to program image in development mode to be JTAG unlocked.


  • Thanks for responding.. 

    I tried your suggestion with SOP jumper configured to 100 and connected to TXRX of my board I still see the failure. 

    when I ran the SLImagecreator it looks like it is able to establish connection but  maybe with Launchpad not with my board.

    Also, I would like to get confirmation on my steps;

    build an empty project and configure the sysconfig to enable the JTAG port.

    open uniflash and selected the respective package for the tool.

  • Hi,

    Your connection is not correct. Reset (RST) and ground (GND) connection is missing.


  • ok, what jumper setting on the SOP will work: 010 or 100 or does it even matter?

    Can you please confirm the gnd pin selection ?

  • Hi,

    SOP mode 0-1-0 or 1-0-0 (2-1-0) should be fine. Other SOP mode will not work for Uniflash connection. I am not sure how do you have connected your RST pin. But if its connected to jumper near to XDS110  (TM4Cxx chip), it will be fine. GND connection is OK. Make sure that you not have exchanged RX and TX pins and your are using pins of correct UART (GPIO1, GPIO2).

    At first step you need to be able connect by the Uniflash GUI. Lets we focus for this first step. If you will not be able connect it may to signalise issue with your board design. In this are important this things:

    • how many layer have your board?
    • what is voltage VDD_DIGx and VDD_ANAx at your board (pin 48 @ 1.8V, pin9 @ 1.2V)?


  • Is there another way that doesn't include a launchpad to unlock it? The current board design is taking reset pins on the jumper and it would be not easy to program in production with this setup. 

    we are also going for the FCC certification with this design.

  • Hi,

    You can use for production programming any device with UART with baud-rate capability 921600 Bd (e.g. FT232RL). But reset pin control will be still expected (manual or automatic). For more details for programming via UART see this. Another option can be programming of SPI flash directly. More details at production line guide. Last option is to use Uniflash GUI or CLI. But if will be required vendor authentication only option is to use Uniflash. More details here.

    Point about vendor authentication may to be important for you, if you don't have code signing certificate from the past.


  • thanks, I have tried manually resetting.. it didn't work. we have a similar board with 3200, it works

  • Hi,

    Let me recapitulate:

    • You have connected pins RX, TX, GND, RST pins from CC3235 LaunchPad. But you are not able connect regardless is used SOP mode 0-1-0 or 1-0-0 (2-1-0). Right?
    • You have proper voltages at DC-DC pins DD_DIGx and VDD_ANAx. Right?
    • You have at least 4 layer PCB. Right?
    • Connection of schematic is according datasheet and PCB is routed according layout guidelines. Right?
    • Design checklist is here.


  • I have changed the radio -- maybe my old boards is not getting enough reset dips. I have jumped SOP on my board and able to connect.

    thanks for your help Jan.

    • You have connected pins RX, TX, GND, RST pins from CC3235 LaunchPad. But you are not able connect regardless is used SOP mode 0-1-0 or 1-0-0 (2-1-0). Right? yes
    • You have proper voltages at DC-DC pins DD_DIGx and VDD_ANAx. Right? - yes
    • You have at least 4 layer PCB. Right? - yes
    • Connection of schematic is according datasheet and PCB is routed according layout guidelines. Right?
    • Design checklist is here.
  • Hi,

    OK, glad that you was able communicate with board.

    At next step you should program image at development mode using Uniflash and after that try conenct from CCS via JTAG or SWD.
