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CC3235SF: Wrong file path format for ImageCreator programming tool using MSYS_NO_PATHCONV = 1

Part Number: CC3235SF
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH,

Hi! Normally I would use a bash script like this to program the MCU:

File=(*.bin)        #gives something like: "/c/Path/File.bin"

ImageCreatorPath/SLImageCreator.exe project \
add_file --name $ProjName --overwrite --file $File \
--mcu --flags secure,publicwrite --sign $File.signed --cert $Cert

Which is working fine. But currently, to not get errors and warnings, I have to use MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 in my script, which removes automatic path conversions between "Unix-like" and Windows environments.


File=(*.bin)        #gives something like: "C:/Path/File.bin"

ImageCreatorPath/SLImageCreator.exe project \
add_file --name $ProjName --overwrite --file $File \
--mcu --flags secure,publicwrite --sign $File.signed --cert $Cert

This did not give an error or any indication of failure, it even shows the correct .bin file in the project.But it does not print out "The MCU was successfully added to the project", and it does not work.
I expected it to work with either of:

File=${File//"C:/"/"/c/"}       #gives something like: "/c/Path/File.bin"

# would be the same input as the one that worked.
# (if the tool it self does the conversion)

File=${File//"/"/"\"}       #gives something like: "C:\Path\File.bin"

# Is the standard windows path format
# (if this is what the auto conversion would have done to the input)

File=${File//"/"/"\\"}       #gives something like: "C:\\Path\\File.bin"

# If the "\" needed to be "escaped"

But nothing works. Instead I get an error like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 5266, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 5262, in main
  File "<string>", line 5232, in cmdline
  File "<string>", line 4204, in command_project_add_file
  File "<string>", line 3682, in set_mcu_image
  File "<string>", line 3561, in add_fs_file
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/c/Path/File.bin'
SLImageCreator returned -1

What is the correct format? Or can I somehow open a sub-shell where the conversion is still enabled (tried and failed)? Or are there other solutions that I am unaware of?
Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards