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Part Number: CC3235SF

Hi  TI engineer

       In my CC3235SF device,there have a fatal error :FATAL ERROR: Sync loss detected ,And MAP_PRCMMCUReset(1) can't reset device.

      What should i do to restart system? And what cause this problem?

  • Hi,

    Hard to say what is going on at your case. NWP log (chapter 20 of SWRU455) may to provide some additional information. This error may to be shown in case of crash of host driver due to issue with your application code (e.g. stack overflow, memory leak, etc.) or it can be related to NWP itself.

    Your recovery code with Application MCU cannot work. You need to restart whole CC3235 SoC including NWP and MAC. This can be done using PRCM hibernation code like this. At this error state do not call sl_Stop() before hibernation code.


  • Hi  

        thanks reply!

       I change my  system reset func from MAP_PRCMMCUReset(1) to (MAP_PRCMHibernateIntervalSet(330);MAP_PRCMHibernateWakeupSourceEnable(PRCM_HIB_SLOW_CLK_CTR);MAP_PRCMHibernateEnter();).

    And restart the system multiple times, the system maybe can't restart and  not running  and need re-power.what caus this problem? 

  • Hi,

    Can you describe what exactly do you see when you added restart code with hibernation?

    How are you able restart multiple times? Your code execution should ended when you call MAP_PRCMHibernateEnter();


  • Hi

        I mean  i tested the func  of system reset multiple times . Maybe system  reset  OK and system restart.Maybe system reset fail ,system not restart and not running

  • Hi,

    OK, at first step you need to determine whether CC3235 SoC ware restarted. That means execution of your code started from beginning.


  • I judge system restart by my uart log,and uart will print  system log  every second.if system restart ok,uart will printf system init  log.When system restart error, uart not print any log

  • Hi,

    After restart with hibernation is NWP not working? You are not able communicate with NWP using sl_ API calls? Do you see any fault handler after restart?


  • Hi

       My application is a ble gateway. It uploads BLE scan data via WIFI and TCP/MQTT. I restart system by MQTT downlink cmd.

      If system restart ok, device can connect wifi and mqtt server  . And i don't see any fault  handle.

      this is system restart  ok log

     this is system restart error log

  • Hi  

       I found this problem by not enough power supply. But  i don't know  MAP_PRCMMCUReset(1)  restart is ok but  MAP_PRCMHibernateEnter is fail.

  • Hi,

    Yes, this is expected. MAP_PRCMMCUReset(1)  restart only MCU, but hibernation restart whole SoC. And after SoC restart is done PHY calibration which require high current peak.
