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Random Cortex_M4_0: Error: Debug port error occurred.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200, CC3200SDK, CCSTUDIO

Hi All,

I am experiencing random code halts running on CC3200 Launchpad.

I have the Launchpad connected via USB (no external debugger).

Running the code using CCS 6.1.2 (Win 7).

When the code halts I see "Cortex_M4_0: Error: Debug port error occurred." in the CCS console.

The code loads fine, code halt/error happens during execution, sometimes within 10 minutes, sometimes within 10 seconds.

It's not related to which code I am executing.  (random halts/error with any of the TI demos I tried, or My "Hello world" to console in a loop).

Reading some of the posts, I stepped back to running unmodified TI blinky demo.  (Results: Same random code halts and error)

Sometimes I can continue the code with F8, most of the time I just get more errors and halts which are not recoverable..

Code is halting in different locations of "No source available for 0x....". 

Looking at disassembly, sometimes I see a location and function names that can be reasonably traced back to main.c of blinky

I have tried 2 different desktop PC's, 2 different CC3200 launchpads, 2 different USB cables (ones supplied by TI with the board).

I'm not connected to USB hubs, but direct to PC USB.

The CC3200.xml file is from the SDK (C:\TI\CC3200SDK_1.1.0\cc3200-sdk\tools\ccs_patch)

SOP (J15-J17) jumper are open

J8-J11 Shorted

J6-J7 Shorted 2-3

D2 LED stays on

I assume there is something I am missing, but I am not seeing things to try that I have not tried.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Hi Kevin,

    "No source available . . . . . " error is normal. It happens when you debug step into a C function in which the C file it is within is not present at your CCS Project files.

    "Cortex_M4_0: Error: Debug port error occurred." - This is unusual. I suspect one cause could be CCS workspace corruption.

    - kel
  • Hi kel,

    Thanks very much for the information, I really appreciate it.

    Understand the No source available.

    I just now created a new directory (away from all other dirs used for previous tests), plugged in the Launchpad, started CCS and chose the new dir as the workspace, imported blinky, built the project, pressed Debug and just after 1 minute, same error, code stopped.  F8 got it going again and then it stopped after 2-3 minutes.

    Perhaps there are workspace files kept outside of the local directory that need to be cleaned up?

    I'll look into that.



  • Hi Kevin,

    For CCS troubleshooting, use -clean argument when calling ccstudio.exe. Right click the CCS icon go to properties and set the -clean. See details below.

    After that make a new folder and use that as CCS workspace for CC3200 SDK example programs. Follow the CC3200 Getting Started Guide and make the wlan_station work first. Then import blinky and see if it works.

    - kel
  • Hi kel,

    Thank you very much for the helpful info.

    It seems to have helped.

    On one of the PCs, the problem seems to have been resolved. (Running now for hours)

    On the other PC, the problem persisted.  I tried the cleanup and new workspace a 2nd time fearing corruption, but the problem persisted.

    I read one of the other posts about applying pull ups to the JTAG lines.

    TI's response indicated that they were not needed,  and I would agree.

    None the less, I added them and I have been running for hours without issue.

    I suspect I am masking the real issue.

    I am cautiously optimistic at this point.

    I very much appreciate your help with this.


  • Kevin Bostenero said:
    On the other PC, the problem persisted.  I tried the cleanup and new workspace a 2nd time fearing corruption, but the problem persisted.

    At this PC,which the problem persisted, use a "powered usb hub" between PC and CC3200 LP.

    You need to isolate the failure. If both CC3200 LP works on the "On one of the PCs, the problem seems to have been resolved." but on this "particular PC, the problem persisted", then there might be a problem with the JTAG connection between PC and CC3200 LP. 

    Try both CC3200 LP at other PC's to isolate that this problem occurs only at this "particular PC, where the problem persisted".

    - kel

  • Hi kel,

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Installing a powered hub did not solve the issue on the "problematic" machine but it seems to run much longer before issues occur.
    I tried several 3200LPs on this machine (with and without pull ups), no difference.
    I think the pull ups working on the one board was just coincidence.

    The problem did not follow the 3200LP to the "good" machine.

    My guess is that there is some USB/noise issue on the one machine that is resulting in the debug error.

    Do you ever experience random debug errors?


  • Kevin Bostenero said:
    Do you ever experience random debug errors?

    Yes I did, when I used a 4 port usb hub between my CC3200 LP and Desktop PC. The 4 port usb hub was just a promotional item, so it's quality maybe not okay.

    - kel

  • Hi kel,

    Thank you again for your assistance.
    I purchased a good hub and on one of the machines it is all working.
    The other machine still has problems, but it was not worth spending more time with it.
    I installed CCS on a laptop and it is working fine.
  • You're welcome.

    - kel