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MIFARE DESFire tag AES-128 encryption on CC3200

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200, AES-128, TRF7970A

Dear Experts

My customer plans to use CC3200 with TRF7970 for their smart lock application.
Currently they finished almost all the f/w porting on CC3200 but got issue when porting MIFARE DESFire tag AES-128 encryption (NFC Type 4A tag).
We do provide example code and library AES_Encryption.lib on MSP430G2 but this lib cannot work on CC3200.
May I used the hardware encryption engine on CC3200 for MIFARE DESFire tag AES-128?
Is there any example code to implement this function on CC3200?
Thanks for your comment.

  • Hi Jefferey,

    You can use the encryption engine on the CC3200 for performing AES-128 encryption. There is a demo application in the SDK under cc3200-sdk/example/aes. Here is the wiki that describes the basics of running the example:

    Jefferey said:
    May I used the hardware encryption engine on CC3200 for MIFARE DESFire tag AES-128?

    I'm not familiar at all with the MIFARE DESFire tags, so I'm not 100% sure what you mean by this. Are you replacing the MIFARE DESFire tag with the TRF7970 and using the HW AES on the CC3200 in place of the MIRFARE encryption?

    Best Regards,


  • Dear Ben

    Yes, since the AES_Encryption.lib on MSP430G2 does not work on CC3200, my customer wants to know how to implement AES-128 encryption of MIFARE DESFire tag on CC3200 the encryption engine.
    Do you have an example code for this?
  • Jeffrey -

    the software solution provided by the library you mention would work on the CC3200, but as you already know, the hardware solution will be faster.

    the AES Demo example wiki for the CC3200 is here:  

    DESFire EV1 uses CBC and 128bit key length.

    then i think generally anywhere you need it in the example given for the TRF7970A

    another thing you need most likely is what you asked for in the first place, without really understanding the system as AES encryption handling is one thing, and the DESFire specific commands library (what you asked about) is not what you think it is.

    i will email you the .lib files for you to check out with your CC3200+TRF7970A application, then we can post online later on for all to use, too