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CC3200MOD: Bootmgr + FreeRTOS + WDT don't work

Part Number: CC3200MOD


I hope to have more lucky than last post :(

First I will do a sumary. I use:

- SDK 1.3.0

- ServicePack 2.9.0

- CCS 7

- FreeRTOS

First, I developed my funcional program and all works fine (or it seemed). If one of my tasks doesn't feed the watchdog, the device is restarted, and I detect this trouble (it never enter in deadlock). All of this without bootmgr but with the OTA funcionality.

Later, I used the bootmgr (from SDK) for OTA update. I can update the software without problem, the file is downloaded through HTTP and it is loaded fine. 

So far, all seems to work perfect. The problem come when I don't feed the watchdog and now (program+bootmgr) it restart the device wich never boot (I have to make a hardware reset).

I've modify the bootmgr for check if it boot after a WDT reset (only create an empty file if  PRCMSysResetCauseGet() == PRCM_WDT_RESET or even in the second boot, after format and program SP and program+bootmrg) but there is no trace of them.

In summary (same program.bin file):

- Only program.bin -> WDT works, never deadlock

- program.bin+bootmgr -> OTA works, but it does not start on WDT reset

Some suggestion?

Thank you.