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Processor selection for surveillance product

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200
Hello All,
This is Vijay M, from Srishti I2I Biz Solutions.

For one of our surveillance product, I am in need of board/processor along with reference/example code to accomplish the below listed tasks. 

1) Live Stream the video/audio captured by HD camera(30fps/60fps)/microphone to cloud over wifi (optionally on LTE)
2) Should be able to interface with PIR motion sensor to initiate the live streaming
3) Board should be running on Linux platform, so need ported Linux OS
5) Need software framework examples to transmit the video/audio to cloud platform.

I could get some information which matches some what closely with my reqs.  

SimpleLink™ CC3200-OV788 Video/Audio Streaming Over Wi-Fi Reference Design:
The board what I am looking for is exactly matches my requirement. 
But, looks like the source code examples provided are based on the proprietary operating system. 
I am looking for Linux support for the same board with some example of video/audio streaming to cloud. 
Any further help on this will be great. 

  • Hello Vijay,

    This TIDC is using cc3200 which has its own processor running the application so why do you need Linux? Do you have an external processor you would like to use that runs Linux?

    Also, this one doesn't include any cloud connection but it can be added.

    You can look at the latest SDK for cc3200 (v1.3.0) for more examples.



  • Dear Shlomi,

    Thanks for your quick response. 

    As I understand from the SDK I referred previously, it was using some proprietary RTOS, and all RTP/RTSP was using those  proprietary  libraries. 

    My intention is to have the board running on Linux, and RTP/RTSP examples streaming video/audio on Linux application examples, so that i have the flexibility of extending further my linux applications as per my need with various other hardware interfaces on GPIO.

    So, Could you please guide me to some link where I can find LInux support for this board.



  • Vijay,

    Unfortunatelly there is no Linux support for this TIDC as you already noticed.

    You can use the other WiLink chipset if you wish and thus build it using Linux but it includes the WiFi layer only (i.e. no network stack included in the chip itself, you need to integrate and use Linux network stack).

