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CCS/CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL: The differences between UART_write and UART_print when the UART routed to 20-Pin header connector

Part Number: CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Now,I configure my jumpers to be placed as shown in Figure 14 ,will the UART_print statement in the example write the strings(which are sent to the USB Teminal) into the UART pin and give them to other boards? Should I annotation them?

  • Hello,

    Yes, this way you connected the UART lines from the CC3220 to the BP interface pins.



  • Hi,Shlomi

    Thank you for your reply!
    What I want to ask is what are the differences between the statement"UART_write" and "UART_print" when I use this way to connect the UART lines from the CC3220 to the BP interface pins.


  • Hello,

    There is no real difference between the two.

    You can dive into UART_print() and you will see that it goes through Report() and so on until it ends up with UART_write().

    UART_write() is the ti_drivers layer that put characters into the UART FIFO.

    The UART_print() is some application higher layers that ends up with the same UART write.



  • Hi,Shlomi

    There are many UART_print() in the example which is used to show the strings on the computer(when dubug). But Now I want to send message to other board with UART(by UART_write). Should I delete the UART_print() in the example to prevent the UART_print() write strings to the pins?
    Thank you very much!


  • From the jumpers settings, any print to the terminal will now be directed to the other board (since you routed the lines but kept the same software.

    If you would like to connect a second UART lines to the other board and still keep the original terminal connected, you can pick other UART lines and add initialization and configuration in your application.
