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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: No router response at AF commands

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK,

I have two LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 devices using the latest Zigbee 3.0 sdk. One has zc_light and the other has zr_sw. I have enabled the MT interface as per Z-Stack user guide 6.10. I'm using a custom app to issue commands to the network. When I ask the router to switch the coordinator's led on I can see that the coordinator is sending an AF_DATA_REQUEST_REQ command at the router but it doesn't receive a response, although there are other commands such as ZDO_MGMT_BIND_REQ that trigger a response from the router. How can I fix this so the router can respond to AF commands? Also if I'm not mistaken the custom app that I'm using was built for ZHA

  • Hi Panagiotis,

    You can refer to this similar E2E thread.  You will need to confirm that all of your AF_DATA_REQUEST parameters are correct.  It also does not make logical sense that the ZC light is sending a command to the ZR switch to turn on the light which it could just change locally.  A switch would typically send a on/off command based on feedback received from its own inputs, whether an input pin or its own host MT interface through UART.  You should provide logs of your MT APIs and it is also recommended that you set up a Zigbee sniffer to better understand the over-the-air communications.


  • Hi Ryan,

    It turns out that some parameters were wrong but the app doesn't give me the option to set/change them. I have attached some screenshots that show when I toggle the switch from the app (I have to do it through the app), two commands are executed. In the first command "RELAY_ON" the parameters are set correctly but in the second it is searching in the wrong cluster. Is this something that can be potentially fixed from the code?

    Also I would like to add that the commissioning process is different in the app (I have attached a screenshot). If I connect the two devices through APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING from BTN-1 or Z-Tool and press BTN-2 on the switch the led will turn on. But if connect them through the app and press BTN-2, nothing will happen. Also if I connect them through APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING and try to turn on the led through the app it also wont work for the above explained reason.

  • The first command's packet structure appears to be valid, but it will have no effect on a zr_sw application which does not have ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GENERAL_ON_OFF listed as an input cluster.   Your frame control has disabled default responses so the ZR does not reply that this cluster/attribute command is not supported for the endpoint.  You cannot change the switch's properties remotely, and it you want to change the ZC light's status then you should do so locally.

    The second uses the Green Power endpoint (0xFE) which would be incorrect from the light/switch context.  It must be some functionality used by the custom application.

    The switch code assumes indirect addressing when sending on/off commands.  This does not work if a bind is not created, either manually or though BDB Finding & Binding during commissioning.  It is most likely the case that the custom application does not enable BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_FINDING_BINDING during APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING.
