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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: Unable to build code on CCS 12 using Ubuntu

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1

I am trying to use the example hello world code provided through the Resource Explorer to test out using CCS v12 on Ubuntu 20.04. However whenever I try to build the Hello World code, or even the pwmled2 example code, I receive the following errors:

I have tried reinstalling CCS however that did not make a difference.

Transcribed Errors

Errors (5 Items)

/home/apardawa/ti/gcc_arm_none_eabi_9_2_1/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.2.1/ error loading plugin: /home/apardawa/ti/gcc_arm_none_eabi_9_2_1/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.2.1/ file too short

gmake: ***[all] Error 2

gmake[1]: ***[hello_CC26X2R1_LAUNCH_tirtos_gcc.out] Error 1

recipe for target 'all' failed

recipe for target 'hello_CC26X2R1_LAUNCXL_tirtos_gcc.out' failed

Warnings (2 Items)

Invalid project path Include path not found (/home/apardawa/ti/simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_6_20_00_29/.;/home/apardawa/ti/xdctools_3_62_01_15_core/packages).

XDCpath repository '/home/apardawa/ti/simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_6_20_00_29/.;/home/apardawa/ti/xdctools_3_62_01_15_core/packages' cannot be found! Visit project's 'Properties > General > Products' tab to adjust the XDCpath.

  • Hello Akbar

    I am able to reproduce the same issue. Based on the "file too short" error message, it appears that the GCC 9.2.1 package being used by both of us is corrupted. I downloaded a different ARM GCC package and when I build the project with that version, it works fine. I will escalate this issue to engineering to investigate further.

    As a workaround, you can try installing ARM GCC from the below site and try that version:



  • Apparently this is a known issue. Originally thought of as just impacting the macOS package, it appears that it impacts the Linux package also. Engineering is investinging. In the meantime you can download the desired GCC version from the ARM site and have it discovered by CCS:



  • Hello Ki,

    Thank you for your help!

    I managed to install arm-none-eabi version 10.3, when I add the directory where this is installed (/usr/bin/) to Preferences > Build > Compiler, GNU v9 is detected rather than 10.3. I proceeded to change the compiler in Project Properties > General > Project > Compiler Version to v9. Then, when I build the code, the following errors occurs:

    I am unfamiliar with Linux so I'm not sure if there is anything I have done incorrectly. I found the directory gcc was installed using whereis arm-none-eabi-gcc, and have confirmed using arm-none-eabi-gcc --version returns with version 10.3.

  • Hello,

    I suggest using 9-2020-q2-update (9.3.1) instead. I'm not sure if 10.x is supported by CCS. I was able to build the project successfully with 9.3.1



  • Hello,

    I have installed the version you recommended however I am still running into the same issue. How did you install ARM GCC, as I may be doing it incorrectly.

    Thank you for your help,


  • This is what I did.

    1. I downloaded  9-2020-q2-update (9.3.1) from:

    2. I extracted the zip

    3. I added the path to the folder of the extracted zip in the compiler discovery path and refresh so that ARM GCC 9.3.1 was discovered:

    4. Then I changed the compiler version to GNU 9.3.1 in the project properties:

    5. Then I built the project using that compiler. It was successful:



  • Thank you so much, that did the trick!

    One last question, I am still getting the following warnings, do you know how I can resolve them:

    Thank you,


  • Looks like the project is unable to find some paths in the project properties. Is the warning coming from the main project or the dependant TI-RTOS project?

  • Hi Akbar,

    Go to your tirtos_builds_* Project Properties -> CCS General -> Products, select the ${COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR_REPOS} and click "Expand", then modify "Edit the first line from ${COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR}/.;${XDCROOT}/packages to ${XDCROOT}/packages


  • Hi Ryan,

    Thank you, I repeated that in the project folder as well and it got rid of the error.

    Thank you and Ki for your help!
