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Dongle sometimes doesn't send the BIND_REQ packet.


I've noticed a strange behaviour that occasionally happens, but still gives me headache.

I've set up a sniffer to observe the situation better.

Right now, everytime a device joins the ZigBee Netwok I send a BindReq depending on the device type.

What happens is that sometimes I receive the SRSP response, but doesn't send the packet via Radio. As said above I've setup a sniffer to check and no packets seem to be trasmitted.

Any idea on what could possibly be?

I've downloaded the ZStack 3.X.0 SDK, compiled it and installed it in my dongle.

  • Hi Ayman,

    The SRSP will indicate that the ZNP received the MT_ZDO_BIND_REQ, however there are some reasons the message is never sent over the air.  These include too many messages already existing inside the TX buffer (NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_*), a noisy channel (CSMA/CA feature), or the message timing out for a sleepy ZED (NWK_INDIRECT_MSG_TIMEOUT).  You should wait for a MT_ZDO_BIND_RSP to confirm that the message has been received by the destination node.


  • too many messages already existing inside the TX buffer (NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_*)

    I have a Sleep between a packet and another, so I don't think this is the cause.

    a noisy channel (CSMA/CA feature)

    Is the only Wireless channel in the area.

    or the message timing out for a sleepy ZED (NWK_INDIRECT_MSG_TIMEOUT)

    I don't receive any message timeout error.

    Any possible idea on what causes this?

  • You would not receive a message timeout error if NWK_INDIRECT_MSG_TIMEOUT were the cause.  Are you attempting to send this MT_ZDO_BIND_REQ to a sleepy ZED?  If so, what is its POLL_RATE?  Without knowing the root cause, you should still be waiting for the MT_ZDO_BIND_RSP and retry sending the packet if this response is never received.
