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CC2650EMK: Initialize ExtendedPANID

Part Number: CC2650EMK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538, CC2650, Z-STACK

I've  Zigbee end devices ( CC2650) developed  based on Z Stack 1.2.2HA  which communicate with coordinator CC2538 .

I am looking for a way to initialize the extended pan id of the z-stack from the application.
Is there a good way to do this?

We would like to initialize the extended PANID when the ZED connects to the wrong coordinator so that it can connect to the correct coordinator.

Best regards,

  • extended PANID is assigned from coordinator of joined network. You cannot assign extended PANID in ZED to make it connect to other coordinator.

  • Hi,
    Thank you for your reply.

    The following statement is from chapter 9.9 of the Z-Stack TI-RTOS Developer's Guide.

    When the device is not the coordinator and extendedPANID has a non-zero value, then it will attempt to rejoin
    the network specified in extendedPANID. The device will join only the specified network and the procedure will
    fail if that network is found to be inaccessible. If extendedPANID is equal to 0x0000000000000000, then the
    device will join the best available network.

    I would like to change ZED extendedPANID from coordinator extended PANID to 0,
    and  have ZED connected to all coordinators.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Yuya,

    All devices (Coordinator and End Device) use the  ZMacExtAddr = MAC_EXTENDED_ADDRESS (unique for each device) to determine the local extended address, which the Coordinator also uses as the extended PAN ID of the Zigbee network during formation (see ZMacGetReq( ZMacExtAddr, zgExtendedPANID ); from zgInit).  The End Device uses zgApsUseExtendedPANID to determine which specific Zigbee network to join (all 0x00 for any), if necessary.


  • Hi Ryan,
    Thank you for your reply.

    I changed that The End Device set zgApsUseExtendedPANID = 0x00 using Zstackapi_sysConfigWriteReq function from application when the End Device restart.
    But, End Device cannot connect other Coordinator.
    Is there any other way to do this?

    The following packet data is from the debugging.

    Packet No Behavior
    1 Turn ON Coordinator A 
    6 Turn ON the End Device
    97 The End Device connect to Coordinator A and send Data packet
    125 Turn OFF Coorinator A and The End Device
    126 Turn ON Coordinator B
    136 Turn ON the End Device
    150, 154,168, The End Device sent Beacon Request and Coordinator B sent Beacon, but the End Device cannot connect to Coordinator B

    Best Regards,

  • Since ZED network information is already saved for Coordinator A, it will not join a separate Coordinator B unless either:

    • The ZED is factory reset to remove prior network information by clearing the NV
    • Coordinator B is a clone of Coordinator A and thus shares the exact same network information as the original


  • Thank you for your help.

    End Device could be connected to another gateway using zstackapi_sysResetReq function.

    Best Regards,