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CC2652P: RCP build with additional OpenThread Options

Part Number: CC2652P

Hi, using the RCP examples in the SDK is it possible to pass additional build options to OpenThread?

I'd like to try to build an RCP with the MultiPan enabled (using an update openthread pull in the thrid-party sources.


  • Hi Byron,

    If this feature were supported then you would set OT_MULTIPAN_RCP=ON in src/core/openthread-core-config.h of the local linked libopenthread_radio_cc13x2_26x2_ticlang project which is pulled into your CCS workspace while importing the RCP project.  Another location for OpenThread definitions is the /libopenthread_radio_cc13x2_26x2_ticlang/config/openthread-config-cc13x2_26x2-rcp.h file.  For your purposes, it may be preferred to use the ot-ti github repository which pulls in its OpenThread libraries from an openthread branch.  However, please be aware that OT_MULTIPAN_RCP/OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MULTIPLE_INSTANCE_ENABLE operation is not officially supported by TI's OpenThread solution.  I am only aware of one instance where OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MULTIPLE_INSTANCE_ENABLE has been enabled on SimpleLink devices, but have no more details than that.
