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LP-CC2651P3: ZED SW CUI Disable Error

Part Number: LP-CC2651P3


My project is based on zed sw which I am trying to connect to Zigbee2MQTT.

I want to disable the CUI and need to print on the screen. But when i disable CUI by Predefined symbol CUI_DISABLE, button press is not working.

* @fn zclSampleSw_processKey
* @brief Key event handler function
* @param key - key to handle action for
* buttonEvents - event to handle action for
* @return none
static void zclSampleSw_processKey(uint8_t key, Button_EventMask buttonEvents)
if (buttonEvents & Button_EV_CLICKED)
if(key == CONFIG_BTN_LEFT)
zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq_t zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq;

zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq.commissioning_mode = zclSampleSw_BdbCommissioningModes;
zstack_getZCLFrameCounterRsp_t rsp;

Zstackapi_getZCLFrameCounterReq(appServiceTaskId, &rsp);
zclGeneral_SendOnOff_CmdToggle( SAMPLESW_ENDPOINT, &zclSampleSw_DstAddr, FALSE, rsp.zclFrameCounter );

When I attempted to debug the code after disabling the CUI, pressing the button did not execute this function.

Is there any additional settings i need to do or do i need to make changes in the code ?

Thanks & Regards