We are intending to use UART 0 for RS232 communication with the Chip. However, we are willing to simultaneously use UART 1 for GPS Communcation.
Is a simultaneous use possible on this chip?
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We are intending to use UART 0 for RS232 communication with the Chip. However, we are willing to simultaneously use UART 1 for GPS Communcation.
Is a simultaneous use possible on this chip?
Hello Saira,
I hope you are doing well. You could approach this problem my trying to multiplex the UART; and there is also another thread which discusses the use of UART, which may be helpful here:
Alex F
Hi Saira,
Yes, it is possible to use both UART0 and UART1 during run-time on the CC2538. Make sure you are controlling each peripheral separately (i.e. not sharing pins, callbacks, or handles).
Thank You so much, Alex and Ryan, for solving my doubts. I had a couple of more doubts regarding UART.
1. Moving forward, we are intending to use UART 1 with the functionality of Hardware Flow Control. After having read a few threads on this forum, I understand that any of the GPIO Pins can be dedicated for UART 1, and accordingly necessary header files need to be modified while programming. Is the same logic applicable for RTS and CTS pins too? Or we need to connect the RTS and CTS connection to certain pins on the SoC?
2. Do we have the DTR and DSR Functionality available on the SoC?
You can consult the CC2538 TRM for your inquiries.
1. Table 9-1 from Section 9.1.1 shows that IOC_Pxx_SEL Registers can choose a value of 0x1 for UART1 RTS, and within Section 9.3.2 the IOC_UARTCTS_UART1 selects between any GPIO as the UART1 CTS.
2. Chapter 18 describes UART functionality, for which RTS/CTS descriptions are included. DTR/DSR functionality is not supported by the CC2538 hardware. These perform similar operations to the RTS/CTS, respectively, but are not in of themselves the same thing. Thus if you require DTR/DSR signals as well as RTS/CTS then you will need to develop a software solution using available GPIOs.