My coordinator is working for a whole night, and its nwkDB buffer become full.
The NWK_DATABUF_SENT buffer of my coordinator is same with NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_TOTAL.
My code has counted the executing of AF_DataRequest, AF_DATA_CONFIRM, ZMacDataReqSec, MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF.
The counter of AF_DataRequest is same with counter of AF_DATA_CONFIRM, but counter of ZMacDataReqSec is more than counter of MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF.
My coordinator 's NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_TOTAL is 96, and counter of ZMacDataReqSec is 109 more than counter of MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF.
My SDK is,My project is set like this
Can you describe the network traffic in your test?
Is this with custom board? Or TI launchpad?
This issue seems like this:
Function "MAP_MAC_McpsDataReq" is executed, but "MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF" is not triggered. In a few seconds, the counter of "MAP_MAC_McpsDataReq" is increasing but the counter of "MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF" will not increase.
As I know, in CC2652P, the MAC Layer is executed by RF-Core(Cortex-M0).
So it is a Zigbee network consisting of only one CC2652P coordinator? No other devices?
I have tested in 2 condition, one is only one CC2652P coordinator but it has recorded some joined node, the other is CC2652P coordinator with 1 Router and 2 End-Device. Both of them have triggered this issue.
I have upgraded coordinator's SDK to, this issue can't be fixed.
When the issue happens, what do you see in "nwkDB_t *nwkDataBufQueue;" --> "uint8_t lastCnfStatus; // The last MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF status"?
I have not checked the "lastCnfStatus" of "nwkDataBufQueue", but I have count the executing of "ZMacDataReqSec" and "MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF", their executing counters are not equal.
I find my coordinator can be recovered like this. When the issue happens, force coordinator scan network with "Zstackapi_DevNwkDiscReq", then use "ZMacDataReqSec" to send 256 packets of empty MAC-Data-packet, the "nwkDB_CountTypes" will be recovered to 0.
Hi Aries,
Thanks for the update. I will file a ticket.
I have upgraded coordinator's SDK to, this issue can't be fixed.
In the meantime, can you try with 8.30 F2 SDK?
I have tried with SDK, and this issue has never appeared, my coordinator has been running for a week.
I have move my coordinator's application program (SDK to CC1352P LaunchPad, and this issue has never appeared too.
That's good to know.
I'll add to the ticket these points:
I do still recommend to use the latest SDK we have.