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the Zigbee ZR did not resend the MSG to ZC issue

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK

Hi all :

there are 4 ZEDs ,1 ZR and  1 ZC in the network.

those ZEDs were all connect to  the ZR ,  and  the ZR connect the ZC。

i set a timer to sending the Active EP request from ZR to ZC again and again  to checking the link state.

  if(events & NETLINK_CHECK_EVT)
     if(Being_Link == FALSE)
      #ifdef LEDShow
        HalLedSet ( HAL_LED_2, HAL_LED_MODE_OFF);
      #ifdef LEDShow
        HalLedSet ( HAL_LED_1 | HAL_LED_2, HAL_LED_MODE_OFF);
     if(FailedLinkCnt >= LoseLinkCnt_Limit)
       Being_Link = FALSE;
       FailedLinkCnt =0;
     osal_start_timerEx( zclVrouter_TaskID, NETLINK_CHECK_EVT, NETLINK_CHECK_CYCLE);//8second
     return ( events ^ NETLINK_CHECK_EVT );

this network running 30~40 minutes latter, i found that all ZEDs and ZR were “lose connect” with ZC.

Those ZED sent a Msg to ZC via ZR , but ZR receive it and didn't resend to ZC.

and there is not any ACtive EP request more....


here is the log :ZR lose connect with ZC.rar

  • Which Z-Stack version and example do you run as ZR?
  • Hi yikai
    it is zstack1.2.2a
  • Do you modify anything to it?
  • just add the timer to send ACTIVE EP request again and again。

    as show above!
  • I suspect your ZR is not working when this happens. As you can see, there is no active endpoint request from ZR to ZC at this moment. I would suggest you debug to see where ZR stuck.
  • where should i set the break point?
  • You can try to set it in NETLINK_CHECK_EVT and see if it is hit after the problem happens.
  • Hi yikai !
    when the problem happens, it could hit the break point in the NETLINK_CHECK_EVT。

    and i saw it always running the

    osal_start_timerEx( zclVrouter_TaskID, NETLINK_CHECK_EVT, NETLINK_CHECK_CYCLE);//8second

    but never going into NETLINK_CHECK_EVT again!
  • Since it is hit, do you see active endpoint request is sent in Ubiqua Packet Analyzer?
  • No ,there is not more active endpoint request in ubiqua, but IAR shows it had run below code

    osal_start_timerEx( zclVrouter_TaskID, NETLINK_CHECK_EVT, NETLINK_CHECK_CYCLE);//8second
  • You should check return value of ZDP_ActiveEPReq when this issue happens.
  • it  (AF_DataRequest)returns  0x10

    #define afStatus_SUCCESS            ZSuccess           /* 0x00 */
    #define afStatus_FAILED             ZFailure           /* 0x01 */
    #define afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER  ZInvalidParameter  /* 0x02 */
    #define afStatus_MEM_FAIL           ZMemError          /* 0x10 */
    #define afStatus_NO_ROUTE           ZNwkNoRoute        /* 0xCD */

    i  think that is i forgot to free the memory  when receive active ep response !!!!

    #ifdef NetLinkCheck       
       case Active_EP_rsp:
           pActiveEndpoint = ZDO_ParseEPListRsp( pMsg );
           if(pActiveEndpoint->status == ZSuccess)
             FailedLinkCnt =0;
             if(Being_Link == FALSE)
               Being_Link = TRUE;
               #ifdef LEDShow
                 HalLedBlink ( HAL_LED_1 | HAL_LED_2, 5, CANCEL_EZMODE_FLASH, CANCEL_EZMODE_CYCLE ); 
                 UserEvtItem = Turn_Off_LED;
                 osal_start_timerEx( zclVrouter_TaskID, USERAPP_EVT, 1000 );
           osal_mem_free( pActiveEndpoint );

    maybe  add  this code  should be work!!!!!


  • This error mean there is not enough memory. You have to check if there is memory leak in your application.