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Generating PWM of 6.5khz on pin 1.1 with duty cycle 50% on CC2541

I'm trying to generate a PWM of 6.5khz on pin 1.1 with duty cycle 50%. I'm using the code from keyforb demo. 

Here's the code, but it's not working :

PERCFG |= 0x20;             // Timer 3 Alternate location 2
P1SEL |= BV(1);             // Peripheral function on P1_1   //P1SEL |= BV(1);
P1DIR |= BV(1);             // P1_1 = output  
T3CTL &= ~0x10;             // Stop timer 3 (if it was running)
T3CTL |= 0x04;              // Clear timer 3
T3CTL &= ~0x08;             // Disable Timer 3 overflow interrupts
T3CTL |= 0x03;              // Timer 3 mode = 3 - Up/Down

T3CCTL0 &= ~0x40;           // Disable channel 0 interrupts
T3CCTL0 |= 0x04;            // Ch0 mode = compare
T3CCTL0 |= 0x10;            // Ch0 output compare mode = toggle on compare

uint8 prescaler = 0;
uint8 frequency= 6500;

// Get current Timer tick divisor setting
uint8 tickSpdDiv = (CLKCONSTA & 0x38)>>3;

// Calculate nr of ticks required to achieve target frequency
uint32 ticks = (8000000/frequency) >> tickSpdDiv;      // 8000000 = 32M / 4;

// Fit this into an 8bit counter using the timer prescaler
while ((ticks & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0)
    ticks >>= 1;
    prescaler += 32;

// Update registers
T3CTL &= ~0xE0;
T3CTL |= prescaler;
T3CC0 = (uint8)ticks;

// Start timer
T3CTL |= 0x10;