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  • RE: AM335xsk starter kit not boot from the SD card

    from following i have download the SDk.

    TI_Android_ICS_4_0_3_DevKit_3_0_1 Product Download Page

    AM335x EVM-SK AM335x EVM-SK (ARM Cortex A8 (720MHz) + 3D SGX Accelerator)(Pre-built Images: Kernel Image, boot loader, u-boot.img, uEnv.txt, filesystem…
  • Build UBoot / MLO for AM335x Starter Kit


    I am trying to create MLO and UBoot images for the AM335x Starter Kit. I am using Ubuntu 10.04.3, and on it installed ti-sdk-am335x-evm- (not sure if I actually need this apart from creating the SD card) and AM335X-LINUX-PSP-…

  • TMDXEVM3358 + Huawei 3G Modem

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDXEVM3358


    I am having TMDXEVM3358 Evaluation Board and a Huawei 3G Modem. I would like to connect the 3G modem to the board to use the internet services from board browser. So could anyone guide me the steps to get…

  • PRU In-Stable Behavior

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358


    We are trying to send and receive data via DCAN of AM3358 using PRU engine. We see issues which is very strange and stopping us not to continue further. The below are some highlights,

    1. In our program PRU updates…

  • RE: AM335xsk starter kit not boot from the SD card

    OKay , I got it . But i am trying to attached file. But error message occur during the upload.

    could u pls. give me exact resource data / url or file  to boot the device from starting.

    i have starter kit , without TI Sd card,

    i ma using my own 8 GB SD…

  • LCD_BACKLIGHTEN pin function starter kit


    We are going to use the AM335x starter kit as a refernce design for our project.

    down loading the pinmux from TI web, refer that the signal "LCD_BACKLIGHTEN" output pin C12 from the CPU,

    declared to mode-0 as function "MCASP0_AHCLKR_MUX0…

  • Beaglebone black(BBB) PCB Stack information

    Is it possible to provide Beaglebone black PCB Stack information?

    (copper thickness of layers, Dielectric thickness, etc)

    I want to know these information for trace impedance verification.

    Best Regards

    Hak-Jin Jeong

  • AM335x watchdog

    using watchdog 5.12; and latest official kernel 3.2.0-psp04.06.00.07

    Everytime the counter is loaded via the ioctl; following kernel warning appears:

    "omap_hwmod: wd_timer2: _wait_target_disable failed"

    It seems harmless, because the watchdog…

  • RE: PRU In-Stable Behavior

    Tim & TI team,

    Kindly share your inputs as which will help us to move further, I have attached full bench which can help you to reach the problem.

    Case 1: Working:

    1.a: Enable Macros as below in file main.c

    #define         PRU_MEM_SHM                      (1)
    #define         DCAN_STA…

  • Interfacing 3G modem with AM3358 EVM Board

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358


    I have been working on AM3358 EVM board and want an 3G interface to it. 

    There is no 3G modem attached with board and i just want to add it additionality.  

    Could anyone tell me any complatible 3G modem hardware 

  • AM3358 NAND Capacity

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358

    What is the largest NAND single device that is supported by the AM3358?

    Can the GPMC support more than one NAND flash?

    What is the total NAND Density supported by the AM3358

  • Failed to connect to the XDS100/200 emulator

    Hello everyone,

    Two days back we bought a new AM335x Starter Kit. Initially, we did not realize that the board has an on-board XDS100 emulator. So we tried to install a jtag connector like in this link…

  • am3358 clock problem

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65217

    Hi, all

        I designed a customer board with DDR3 of k4b2g1646e-bck0, but I got a warning from the kernel log :

    clock: Could not find fieldval 0 for clock dpll_core_m6_ck

        Is it just a warning or something was wrong…

  • Power of PHY was downed

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358, TMDXEVM3358

    Dear TI engineers,

    I want to use the USB controller of AM3358(TMDXEVM3358) as a host.
    I set a register by the following steps, but the Power of PHY was downed.
    Would you give me the advice?

     (1) I used…

  • RE: AM3358 NAND Capacity


    Thanks, can you explain where you found this? I don't see any of the evms with more than 512MB, There is a statment somewhere that the customer found where the GPMC max is 512MB combined memory, so is there a limitation on the GPMC bus itself?…

  • AM3358 -Boot limitations on MMC0

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358

    Trying to boot AM3358 from MMC0.  It looks like the bus has some limitations.  What are these limitations?

