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  • DAC8830: DAC of 200ºC operating temperature

    Part Number: DAC8830


    Hi there,

    I'm looking for a DAC like the one attached (DAC8830) but with a maximum operating temperature of +200ºC. I haven't found any and don't know if there are in development.

    Thanks in advance…

  • Digital to Analog converter evaluation board

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC38RF82

    I need a DAC evaluation board that can continuously generate 16-20 simultaneous signals (tones ) with high precision (+/- 10 KHz) in a 100 MHz band either at some base band or at actual RF of 2-3 GHz.

    The data…

  • How to balance efficiency and settling time with highly integrated DACs

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: DAC8775

    In my first post, I talked about the need for modular, flexible and smart design in analog output modules and explored methods for improving efficiency in a typical high-side voltage-to-current converter used to drive…

  • How new integrated DACs increase efficiency and reduce board space in analog output modules

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: DAC8775

    Industry 4.0 has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, changing how factories are designed and implemented. In factory automation and process-control applications, Industry 4.0’s impact comes down to two fundamental…

  • Need a higher accuracy from R2R ladder-based architecture? Try trimming!

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: DAC80004

    This post is co-authored by Rahul Prakash.

    Pop quiz: What’s the most requested feature in modern-day industrial systems?

    If you guessed accuracy, then you are correct. In the past, only the test and measurement…

  • DAC084S085 output not working

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC084S085

    I am not sure if this is the right forum for this question but I figured i would put it out there just in case.  I am working with a DAC084S085 digital to analog converter.  It is a 4 channel DAC, but I am using…

  • Circuit to integrate BeagleBone Black with Pressure Regulator

    I am using BeagleBone Black as controller in an industrial application to control a proportional pressure regulator (Festo VPPM-6L-L-1-G18-0L10H-V1P-S1) which is the actuator of my project. The pressure regulator has an input signal range of 0-10 volt…