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hi i'm trying to design and simulate a circuit, and i need to use this transistor but i can't find it. would somebody explain me why ? please. and how can i solve the problem

  • Hello Ricardo,

    You didn't mention the particular circuit simulation software you are using so I will assume that you are using TINA-TI Spice.

    DesignSoft, and other providers of circuit simulation software, do attempt to provide models for as many discrete and other components as possible. Models are most often developed by the manufacturer of the device and they may chose to develop, or not develop, one for a particular device. When available the simulation software companies adapt the models to their simulators and include them in their libraries.

    DesignSoft didn't have the MJE340 transistor in their library, but a quick check on the Internet provided a syntax listing for the device. One of the transistor producers, Fairchild Semiconductor, had a Spice model syntax listing at their web site. Using that information and TINA's New Macro Wizard (Tools > New Macro Wizard) I created an MJE340 model for TINA. The same Spice syntax listing could be used with most other simulators as well. Their model creation procedure will likely be different than that for TINA so it will be necessary to consult the particular simulator's reference manual.

    If you are using TINA-TI, simply open the file MJE340 TINA circuit file that I have attached to this response. Highlight the MJE340 transistor, use the copy function, and paste it into your circuit.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering


  • Hi Thomas i just wnated to thank you because it helped me. But if yo dont mind, would you tell me the procedure to get the transistor MJE340 because i also need its complement : MJE350. So in order to not bother you i'd like to learn how to do it by myself. Thanks. and sorry i forgot to say i used Tina

  • Hello Ricardo,

    The procedures I use actually date back to earlier versions 6 and 7 of TINA. With version 9 TINA adapted an easier to use New Macro Wizard which is almost self explanatory. However, if you are just becoming familiar with simulation software it would be best to refer to DesignSoft's TINA users manual:

    Page 188 is where you will find the section about creating Spice macros in TINA. Creating macros in different simulators is sometimes a little confusing so it may take some trials to get things working. There is a lot of good information with some in the form of Q&A on the TINA web site:

    A language can be selected on the web site. Also, there is a place to submit a question on the web site.

    Do note that TINA-TI does not provide all of the features of the for purchase TINA version so you may encounter some limitations. But you should be able to create a MJE350 TINA model.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering