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TL084 Macro Model for TINA-TI

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL084, TINA-TI

Dear sir,

I want the Macro Model of TL084 for TINA-TI. I searched a lot online for it but, couldn't find it. Please help me.



  • Anusha,

    In Ti-tina, I enter the model and see this model info.

    Is this what you need?

    * CREATED USING PARTS RELEASE 4.01 ON 06/16/89 AT 13:08
    * (REV N/A)      SUPPLY VOLTAGE: +/-15V
    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    *|(C) Copyright Texas Instruments Incorporated 2007. All rights reserved. |
    *|                                                                        |
    *|This Model is designed as an aid for customers of Texas Instruments.    |
    *|No warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to this Model  |
    *|or its fitness for a particular purpose is claimed by Texas Instruments |
    *|or the author.  The Model is licensed solely on an "as is" basis.  The  |
    *|entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the customer.     |
    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    *                | INVERTING INPUT
    *                | | POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY
    *                | | | NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY
    *                | | | | OUTPUT
    *                | | | | |
    .SUBCKT TL084    1 2 3 4 5
    C1   11 12 3.498E-12
    C2    6  7 15.00E-12
    DC    5 53 DX
    DE   54  5 DX
    DLP  90 91 DX
    DLN  92 90 DX
    DP    4  3 DX
    EGND 99  0 POLY(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 .5 .5
    FB    7 99 POLY(5) VB VC VE VLP VLN 0 4.715E6 -5E6 5E6 5E6 -5E6
    GA    6  0 11 12 282.8E-6
    GCM   0  6 10 99 8.942E-9
    ISS   3 10 DC 195.0E-6
    HLIM 90  0 VLIM 1K
    J1   11  2 10 JX
    J2   12  1 10 JX
    R2    6  9 100.0E3
    RD1   4 11 3.536E3
    RD2   4 12 3.536E3
    RO1   8  5 150
    RO2   7 99 150
    RP    3  4 2.143E3
    RSS  10 99 1.026E6
    VB    9  0 DC 0
    VC    3 53 DC 2.200
    VE   54  4 DC 2.200
    VLIM  7  8 DC 0
    VLP  91  0 DC 25
    VLN   0 92 DC 25
    .MODEL DX D(IS=800.0E-18)
    .MODEL JX PJF(IS=15.00E-12 BETA=270.1E-6 VTO=-1)

  • Hi,

    Yes, this is what I have asked. Can you please provide me the TL084 schematic (i.e, TL084.tsc) for TINA-TI.


    Anusha Podapati

  • Anusha,

    Here is a TSC file with TL084


  • Thank you so much sir.