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Properties of the TLV3501/TLV3501A-Q1 over temperature

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV3501, TLV3501A-Q1


I am attempting to compute a sensitivity analysis of a circuit using the TLV3501 over a large temperature range, but most of the parameters of the IC are given only at 25C.  Is there any information over temperature?  Critical parameters are input/offset currents, hysteresis and Vol/Voh.  Vos change over temperature is provided on the datasheet.

Thank you,


  • Hi Jeff,

    The TLV3501 is handled by the Precision Analog Op amps group that I am part of; while the TLV3501A-Q1 is handled by TI's MSA - Automotive product group. You may want to post your question to the Automotive products E2E forum as well. They may have information that we don't have.

    I searched our TLV3501 archive for over-temperature information and only found the original over-temperature simulation work that was accomplished by the design engineer. The only additional over-temperature information found is for VOH and VOL. I didn't find anything for input/offset currents, or hysteresis.

    Parametric information that isn't included in the datasheet often requires an NDA to be in place for us to disclose it. Do you know if your company has an NDA in place with TI? If there is, I would be able to pass the VOH and VOL information on to you.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering

  • Thomas,

    I am attempting to to verify if we have an existing NDA.

    Than you,
  • Thomas,

    I have verified that we have a current and active NDA with TI. I have updated my E-mail address to my work E-mail.

    Thank you,

  • Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for following up. Please send an email to me at:

    I'll send the info in my response.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering