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The problem of LMH6554 model for using ADS tool

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH6554

I use the ADS(Advanced Design System) for my project.

Because I needed high speed amplifier, I found the LMH6554.

The pspice model of LMH6554 is converted to ADS library using ADS tool(HSPICE Compatibility Component).

But, because of having two more the subckt, I can not use the model of LMH6554.

I am not familiar about PSpice model. Accordingly I can not change the model that have only one subckt.

I want to resolve this issue. I need your help.

Best regards,


** Top Level Circuit Description
** Pin Desciptions
*                Positive Supply Voltage Pins
*                |          Negative Supply Voltage Pins
*                |          |        Positive Input Terminal
*                |          |        |   Negative Input Terminal
*                |          |        |   |   Positive Output Terminal
*                |          |        |   |   |   Negative Output Terminal
*                |          |        |   |   |   |   Feedback Positive Terminal
*                |          |        |   |   |   |   |   Feedback Negative Terminal
*                |_____     |____?  |   |   |   |   |   |   Output Common Mode Reference Input
*                |     |    |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   Enable/Disable Control Input
*                |     |    |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
.subckt lmh6554 vcc1 vcc2 vee1 vee2 vip vim vop vom fbp fbm vcm ven
c2 vip vim 1.8e-12
q3 a0118 a0118 a0130 0 PNP 1
q4 a0187 a0118 a0146 0 PNP 4
q0 a211 a0144 a0125 0 PNP 1
q1 a0144 a0144 a0128 0 PNP 1
q5 a127 a0118 a0143 0 PNP 4
q2 a131 a0144 a0122 0 PNP 1
xoutbufp vcc vee a215 a0145 vop a127 output_stage
xoutbufm vcc vee a217 a0157 vom a0187 output_stage
g1 vcc a124 vcc vee 20e-6
g0 a0158 a0212 a124 0 10e-3
d6 a137 a159 DIODEideal 1
d5 a139 a162 DIODEideal 1
d1 vim a186 DIODEnoisy 1
d3 a131 vim DIODEnoisy 1
d0 vip a214 DIODEnoisy 1
d4 a211 vip DIODEnoisy 1
c0 a215 0 300e-15
c1 a217 0 300e-15
q26 a0171 a0171 a0233 0 NPN 1
q9 a159 vcm a165 0 NPN 1
q30 a165 a0171 a0264 0 NPN 1
q28 a186 a0171 a0229 0 NPN 1
q33 a0157 a0180 a0267 0 NPN 4
q32 a0145 a0180 a0269 0 NPN 4
q29 a0180 a0180 a0124 0 NPN 1
q10 a162 a164 a188 0 NPN 1
q31 a188 a0171 a0262 0 NPN 1
q27 a214 a0171 a0231 0 NPN 1
v3 a0212 a0171 0
v2 a0144 a0158 0
v1 a279 a188 0
v0 a214 a186 0
i9 vip vim 1e-6
i5 vcc a164 7e-6
i0 vcc a124 1e-3
f27 vcc a0180 v3 1
f26 a0118 vee v2 1
g4 vcc a211 a0185 0 1
g5 vcc a131 a0274 0 1
g6 a214 vee 0 a0178 1
g7 a186 vee 0 a0127 1
f2 0 a215 v0 1
f3 0 a217 v0 -1
f1 0 a217 v1 2
f0 0 a215 v1 2
r68 vcc a0125 250
r78 a0262 vee 250
r73 vcc a0130 250
r77 a0264 vee 250
r72 a0229 vee 250
r80 a0267 vee 62.5
r69 vcc a0122 250
r38 fbp vop 1e-3
r7 a0127 0 455e-6
rtm 0 a217 128e3
r44 vee1 vee 1e-6
r24 vcc ven 1e6
r37 vom fbm 1e-3
r71 a0231 vee 250
r31 vcc a137 250
rtp a215 0 128e3
r32 vcc a139 250
r67 vcc a0128 250
r75 vcc a0146 62.5
r15 vop a164 2.5e3
r16 a164 vom 2.5e3
r33 a165 a279 250
r5 a0274 0 455e-6
rtc a124 0 100
r76 vcc a0143 62.5
r79 a0269 vee 62.5
r70 a0233 vee 250
r74 a0124 vee 250
r4 a0185 0 455e-6
r40 vcc2 vcc 1e-6
r41 vcc1 vcc 1e-6
r6 a0178 0 455e-6
r43 vee2 vee 1e-6
.ends lmh6554
** End of top level circuit definition

** sub-circuit descriptions

.subckt output_stage vcc vee in nbias out pbias
e0 a030 0 in 0 1
q14 nbias nbias a030 PNP 2
q0 vee nbias out PNP 8
q12 pbias pbias a030 NPN 2
q1 vcc pbias out NPN 8
.ends output_stage
** End of subcircuit definition.

** Model Parameters

.model DIODEideal d(tnom=25.0 is=1e-18)
.model DIODEnoisy d(tnom=25.0 is=1e-18 af=2.0 kf=80e-12)
.model NPN npn(tnom=25.0             is=14e-18               bf=250
+              vaf=200.0             rb=50.00                re=3.000
+              rc=7.000              cje=100e-15             cjc=40e-15
+              cjs=10e-15)

.model PNP pnp(tnom=25.0             is=18e-18               bf=150
+              vaf=100.00            rb=35                   re=1.500
+              rc=3.500              cje=80e-15              cjc=50e-15
+              cjs=10e-15)