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OPT101 photodiode responsisivity at 470nm ???

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPT101

I have a medical application where i need to measure the irradiance of a source light with a wave length of 470nm,and I have some ambient noise (sun and fluorescent lights)

I have already filter the ambient noise and I have a good reading of the irradiance all I need to know is the responsivity at 470nm exactly,

I also need to know how this responsivity changes from one device to another (repeatability).

thanks in advance for all the help that you could give me.

  • Albert,

    The responsivity of the OPT101 is shown on page 1 of the data sheet, as I'm sure you have seen. Reading from this graph, the nominal value is 0.2V/uW at 470nm. More accurate data would not likely be of much use as the variation from unit-to-unit and over production variation would likely be significantly larger than the absolute accuracy of this value. A rough estimate might be about a +/-10% to 15% variation. Notice that the variation is specified as +/-5% typical at 650nm, a wavelength where response is higher and flatter.

    Relatively simple responsivity tests at 650nm are performed in production to assure nominal operation of the device but there is no routine testing of spectral response of these devices.

    Regards, Bruce.

  • That was very helpful, thanks for all your help.