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OPA365/OPA2365 input offset drift voltage by temperature

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA365

 Hello guys,

 Could you give me your help?

 My customer wants to know storongly how much input offset drift voltage of OPA365 (50MHz, Low-Distortion, High CMRR,RRI/O, Single-Supply OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER) by temperature changing is.

 They could find that it is 1uV/degC in the device electrical characteristics table on page 3 of the device datasheet. But it is typical value and any maximum value is not shown in the table. A histogram of offset voltage drift production distribution is shown on page 4 of the datasheet. According to the histogram, the maximum offset voltage drift is 4.0uV/degC.

 Is this the maximum value in all production of OPA365? If it is not correct, could you tell me what the maximum value of offset drift by temperature is. Or if you have another distribution histogram, could you please send me?

 Your help would be appreciated.

 Thank you and best regards,

 Kazuya Nakai.


  • Kazuya,

    The typical OPA365 input voltage offset drift shown in the PDS represents a one standard deviation (1-sigma) value of the Normal Gaussian product distribution.  Since we do not test OPA365 drift in the production (it's very expensive to do so), there can be no absolute maximum drift to speak of. However, based on the Normal Gaussian Distribution (see below), you may use the sigma value to set the conditional maximum/minimum value by accepting certain failure rate:

    max drift of +/-3uV/C (+/-3-sigma) - 1 out of 370 units would fail

    max drift of +/-4uV/C (+/-4-sigma) - 1 out of 15,787 units would fail

    max drift of +/-5uV/C (+/-5-sigma) - 1 out of 1,744,277 units would fail
