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XTR110 Spice Model

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR110

Using a xtr110 for a 0-20 mA current loop is causing a dc breaker circuit to power the VCC line to fail. I am trying to implement a spice amodel of this. I do not see a spice model for the xtr110 device. Does anyone know if there is a model or an amplifer(s) and reference with models i could use to model this ? I am using multisim but could adapt a general  spice model.




  • Hello Jimmy,

    Thank you for your interest in the XTR110. Currently, there are currently no models available for the device, but we could create a simple behavioral model for you. Would this be sufficient for your purposes?

    Best regards,
    Ian Williams

  • I appreciate the offer but I believe we won't be doing any more modeling of this. I believe the device is really just an op-amp with summing inputs. a reference  and a current convertor opamp. I was wondering if there was an opamp(s) that would be appropriate to model it.



  • James,

    You are correct - the internal structure of the XTR110 is shown on the first page of the data sheet so you could develop a simple model using an op-amp, transistor, and some resistors. However, the internal op-amp characteristics are not described in the data sheet, so picking a particular op-amp to use in the model would be difficult. If you simply want to understand how the device converts converts voltage to current then an ideal op-amp would be suitable. A more precise model would require pulling up the original design documentation.

    Best regards,
    Ian Williams

  • Dear Ian Williams,

    I just bought the XTR110 device, and a spice model would also be useful for me. You had offered a behavioral model, which would be sufficient for my purposes. Have you already prepared a description? Could you send me it?

    Thank you in advance.


    Cristiano Jacques
  • Hello,

    Please find a basic "functional" model for the XTR110 attached.  As we mentioned before, the model does not include any error sources (Vos, iB, gain error) and is only useful for functionally evaluating the transfer function of the product.  Please let us know if you'd like us to review your schematic before you go to production.
