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Linux/AM5728: UART configuration

Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: Linux


I am working the AM5728 based board. I am planning to use UART8, UART9 and UART10.

While operation, I am able to successfully transmit information from AM5728, but unable to receive the information at AM5728.

When tried to analyze, I don't have proper IRQ configured for the UART8, 9 and 10.

As per the TRM document, (Table 24-133: Interrupt Requests) I do not find mapping to any MPU_IRQ.

I need help in configuring the so that I can use it to initialize the driver properly.

Can you help me configure the UARTs ? 



  • Those three UART interrupts are defined in dra7.dtsi. So for UART8, the node is

                    uart8: serial@48422000 {
                            compatible = "ti,dra742-uart", "ti,omap4-uart";
                            reg = <0x48422000 0x100>;
                            interrupts = <GIC_SPI 219 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
                            ti,hwmods = "uart8";
                            clock-frequency = <48000000>;
                            status = "disabled";

    All you would have to do in your dts file is

    &uart8 {
            status = "okay";

    Can you post the output of

    cat /proc/interrupts

    Steve K.

  • Actually, I was looking at some other uart dts nodes. Try changing yours to
    &uart8 {
    status = "okay";
    interrupts-extended = <&crossbar_mpu GIC_SPI 219 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH
    &dra7_pmx_core 0x58>;

    Steve K.
  • I should have asked which mux mode you are using for UART8. The value for &dra7_pmx_core will have a different address based on the mux mode.

    Steve K.
  • Has your problem been solved?

    Steve K.