Dear Sir We are using QFN and SON Package ICs of Part numbers CDCE62005RGZT, CDCLVD1208RHDT, CDCLVD1204RGTT and TPS51200DRCR.
CDCE62005 IC has MSL level of 3 and other ICs have MSL of 2.
The question is about Baking Requirements for these ICs.
I got an application note SCBA017D from TI which gives following details for MSL 2-5a (shown in image)
The ICs are not mounted before their floor lives (168 hours for Level 3 and 1 year for Level 2). In that case for both level 2 and Level 3, should I follow the instruction that " Bake for 48 hours at 125 deg C" for QFN/SON package ICs of above part numbers? Does this baking instruction applicable for QFN / SON packages of Level 2 and 3?
If not can you suggest the exact baking hours for these ICs? Please clarify