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LMK03328: programming

Part Number: LMK03328
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CODELOADER


I would like to program the EEpron in the LMK03328 but the CODE LOADER reconize only the lower address in the I2C chain.

In my case the lower address is not the LMK03328.

Can you please give me the commands that I need to write in order to programm the EEprom with an external  software?

Thank you,


  • In Codeloader, Instead of using "Scan I2C bus", enter the intended I2C address for the DUT and press "Set I2C Address".

  • Hi Alan,

    I tried to change the I2C address in "Set I2C Address" but even if I write the correct address it doesn't really change it.

    If I look in the bottom of the screen of the code loader it's still show the first address in the chain.

    Thank you,


  • What I2C address did you set?  If you set to 54 (hex), make sure GPIO1 is pulled down since this sets the 2 LSBs of the I2C address upon power-on/reset.  After you click "Set I2C Address" and if you click the button "Read All EEPROM --> GUI map" in the EEPROM tab, do you see the GUI Memory map textbox get populated with EEPROM readback data from the DUT?  If so, then I think it's communicating properly.  Else, If thr data is all 00 or FF, or an error message is displayed, then the I2C host may not be communicating with the chip.  Then, you should try again by setting the I2C address to one of other possible addresses - 55 or 57 (hex) - depending on the GPIO1 state upon POR.

    Alsp, make sure the PDN pin is not low, and all power supply pins are powered and within the specified voltage tolerance.


  • Please see this related thread, which showed different results for our GUI test case and debug suggestions:

  • Hello Alan,

    I tried to set the address to 54 and the GPIO1 is set to 0.

    In my case the PDN is tied to the VCC of the device, Is that a problem?

    Can it be the reason why the code loader can't set the address?

    Thank you,


  • Hi David,
    If it is only one supply VCC for LMK03328, PDN tied to VCC is no problem.
    Normally, codeloader could manually set i2c address. You also could try new GUI "TICS Pro".
