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DM8148 VIP1 PortA and PortB issue

Hello Sir,


How to use VIP1 PortA and PortB in the MCFW ?


Expansion I/O : REV C



[m3vpss ]  84071: Assertion @ Line: 894 in links_m3vpss/capture/captureLink_drv.c: pInst->captureVipHandle != NULL : failed !!!


I found HDVPSS source code.

in the, vps/drivers/src/fvid2_drvMgr.c

 [m3vpss ]  FVID2_create:FVID2_create:617: GT_0trace 1 Driver create failed!!


I don't know why not use VIP1 portA or portB.

Dose it support VIP1 portA or PortB capturing in the DVRRDK ?


  • Is your requirement to have only VIP PORT A and not both VIP PORT A & VIP PORT B ?

    Can you please provide the changes done to Capture Link Create Params in your usecase file.

  • Yes, I was trying VIP1 PortA or PortB of 8/16bits, but it wasn't okay.

     pCaptureInstPrm->vipInstId          = SYSTEM_CAPTURE_INST_VIP1_PORTA;

    So, I don't know why use VIP1 with PORTA giving me some error messages, but I am use a SYSTEM_CAPTURE_INST_VIP0_PORTA  of 8/16/24 bits, and it is okay.

     I found some pin mux of VIP1, but it was not setting other function.

     I look up a file (platforms/ti814x/src/vps_platformTI814x.c), and it is not setting DVO1 mode, so I think a support VIP1 capturing of 8/16 bits.

    Please see the attached file.


        Setup pinmux in for capture/display
        Pinmux setup is as shown below,
        - YCC 16-bit        - Always ENABLED
        - YCC 24-bit        - ENABLED
        - CLK0              - Always ENABLED
        - CLK1              - Always ENABLED
        - HD/VD/DE/FLD0     - ENABLED
        - HD/VD/DE/FLD1     - DISABLED
        - YCC 16-bit        - ENABLED
        - CLK0              - ENABLED
        - CLK1              - ENABLED
        - HD/VD/DE/FLD0     - DISABLED
        - HD/VD/DE/FLD1     - DISABLED
        VOUT0 (DVO2)
        - CLK               - Always ENABLED
        - HD/VD/DE/FLD      - ENABLED
        - YCC 16-bit        - Always ENABLED
        - YCC 20-bit        - ENABLED
        - RGB/YCC 24-bit    - ENABLED
        - RGB/YCC 30-bit    - ENABLED
        VOUT1 (DVO1)
        - CLK               - DISABLED
        - HD/VD/DE/FLD      - DISABLED
        - YCC 16-bit        - DISABLED
        - YCC 20-bit        - DISABLED
        - RGB/YCC 24-bit    - DISABLED
        - RGB/YCC 30-bit    - DISABLED
        - SDA               - ENABLED
        - SCL               - ENABLED
        HDMI I2C0
        - SDA               - ENABLED
        - SCL               - ENABLED

    Please see the attached file, it is my MCFW capture layout.

        capturePrm.numVipInst                       = 1;
        capturePrm.outQueParams[0].nextLink         = dupId;
        capturePrm.tilerEnable                      = FALSE;
        capturePrm.enableSdCrop                     = FALSE;
        capturePrm.fakeHdMode                       = TRUE;
        pCaptureInstPrm                     = &capturePrm.vipInst[0];
        pCaptureInstPrm->vipInstId          = SYSTEM_CAPTURE_INST_VIP1_PORTA;
        pCaptureInstPrm->videoDecoderId     = SYSTEM_DEVICE_VID_DEC_TVP7002_DRV;
        pCaptureInstPrm->inDataFormat       = SYSTEM_DF_YUV422I_YUYV;
        pCaptureInstPrm->standard           = SYSTEM_STD_1080P_60;
        pCaptureInstPrm->numOutput          = 1;
        pCaptureOutPrm                      = &pCaptureInstPrm->outParams[0];
        pCaptureOutPrm->dataFormat          = SYSTEM_DF_YUV422I_YUYV;
        pCaptureOutPrm->scEnable            = FALSE;
        pCaptureOutPrm->scOutWidth          = 0;
        pCaptureOutPrm->scOutHeight         = 0;
        pCaptureOutPrm->outQueId            = 0;

    Thank you very much for your support

  • Hi Badri,

    I am trying to do a 8-bit bt.656 embedded sync stream capture on VIP2 PORTB using OMX application . I am using EZSDK 5.04 .

    The OMX app is not capturing frames on VIP2 PORTB ,But I can capture bt.656 stream on VIP1 PORTA using the same OMX app . Can you comment about bt.656 capture on PORTB using OMX app?

  • Hi Yeh and Sivaramkrishna,

    Have you guys been able make the VIP1 PortB work after all?

    I'm in a similar situation right now.  
    I have a custom DM8148 board with 4 tvp5150s, connected to VIP0-PortA, VIP0-PortB, VIP1-PortA and VIP1-PortB.   I can capture video from all ports except for VIP1-PortB.  I would like to know if it is possible to capture from VIP1-PortB before spending too much time on hacking the driver.

    I use EZSDK 5_05_02_00, with modified capture driver.  Tvp5150s are configured to output BT656 format.
