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ti816x use THS8200 output VGA have biright line on display right!

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 I use dvrdk350,when I use ths8200 to output VGA,when set resolution as 1080P60  or 720P60,there a line on the display left,some time is blue,some time is green.but HDMI display is OK(use DVO2 to display)

     when I don't put any data to display,still have a bright line on the right,so i think mabe HDVPSS driver have bug?

my link data flow is: capture -->sclar-->swms-->display(ths8200)

no data send to display:

send a stream to display,on the right still have a green line:


read 720P THS8200 register config:


if anyone have met this probrem,please told me,thanks very much!