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DS125DF1610 with 4 TLK10232 function block check

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLK10232, TLK10002


1. I will use DS125DF1610 with 4 TLK10232 for data re-time、re-gen、re-shape.

2. DS125DF1610 4 block each block will do as below, data will multi-cast to 2 port.

3. TLK10232 will use 1:4 mode and doing 8B/10B monitor only, does it need refclk?

4. Does DS125DF1610 per port can setup different speed?(2.4576G、3.072G、4.9512G、9.8304G)

5. Does TLK10232 monitor only need provide refclk?