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HD3SS6126EVM: Product query

Part Number: HD3SS6126EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS3220, TIDA-00891, HD3SS2522


I want a USB multiplexer to help me achieve the following:

2 USB inputs to the multiplexer

Input 1- From a regular android wall charger (will convert the C type output to the required USB-A type using a female C-type to USB-A adapter)

Input 2 - USB output from the PC (will again use an adapter to connect to the USB input of the multiplexer)

Output - Should be able to select between Output 1/2 and route it to the phone that will be connected to the output

The main criteria is that when I am routing from input 1 to the phone, the multiplexer should be able to route the 3A charging current to the phone.

Will the HD3SS6126EVM help me do that?


  • Hi Srinivas,

    Your best option for Type-C switch with current support for up to 3A is HD3SS3220.


  • Hi
    Thanks for the response. Is this available as a product for me to use? I cannot use this in an IC form.
  • Hi Srinivas,

    We have a reference design (Not available for sale) TIDA-00891 you will find all required documentation to make your own here:

    If you need a fully working devicethen you might want to take a look at HD3SS2522EVM and for 3A support just remove J18 and provide 3A power.
    Please see user's guide for details.


  • Hi
    Thanks for the response. I am not sure how I can use this in my setup? I need a module that is capable of selecting between two inputs. I think the product you are referring to above, will help to convert a C type output from a wall-charger to a USB A type output. Is that correct? The output from this and the output from the PC would then go to a mux and that will let me select between the wall charger output and the PC output
  • Do you need USB3.0 data lines? Or just USB2.0?

  • I am looking for both: One board can have 2 USB C inputs, and one USB-C output, the other board will have 2 USB-B inputs and one USB-B output.
    One input will always come from a wall charger (type B or C) and the other input always from a PC,
    and the output will always go to an android phone.
  • I understand, but it's important to know what kind of USB protocol is it going to support, USB3.0 + USB2.0? (6 data lines), USB3.0 only? (4 data lines) or USB2.0 only? (2 data lines)

  • Hi Jose
    I will possibly have to revert to you tomorrow.
    If I use the HD3SS6126EVM and if it had supported C type inputs and C type output (or B type inputs and B type outputs) wont it be that the one supporting the C type needs to be USB3.0 and the other one a USB2.0. Or does it not mean that if the input USB on the phone is Type-C, then it is USB3.0 protocol and if the input on the phone is Type-B, then it is USB2.0 protocol.
    Sorry, not very clear on how to answer this.
    Just so that I clarify: The multiplexer output will be going to a phone that supports B or C type input.
    The QC phones (or customer phones) that I use this with actually draw a current of almost 3A depending on the load that the phone is running.
    The product that we are using now, and is working fine (except that it does not charge at 3A) is this:
    This product lets us selectively connect/disconnect data and/or power to the phone.
    Does this information answer your question at all ? Or am I way off?? :)
  • Hi Srinivas,

    Type-C is only a connector which is capable for USB3.0, USB2.0, DisplayPort, HDMI, Power Delivery, etc, finding a Type-C port on a device doesn't mean this is necessary USB3.0, it could be USB2.0 only, and the solution needed will depend on your port configuration.
    On the other hand, every USB3.0 Type-C port need a switch like HD3SS2522 or HD3SS3220, so, you will need more than just one switch for your configuration.

  • You can use HD3SS6126EVM if the port configuration suits your needs (one Type-A port to two Micro-B ports) but this EVM won't handle more than 900mA power.
