I'm looking for the equivalent program or tool for the MSP430 LaunchPad as LM Flash Programmer (LMFLASHPROGRAMMER) is for the Stellaris boards. Does this exist? Yes.
- Free
- Small enough to email
- Can program binaries (flash image: TI-TXT) onto MSP430G2xx2 parts on LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430G2)
- Will use USB and emulation on board the LaunchPad and not just a separate piece of hardware (like the MSP-FET430UIF)
- Works on Microsoft Windows
Options that meet the requirements:
Here are the other options I considered:
- IAR, Free for smaller value line parts but it's a full IDE. I want something small enough I can email
- CCS. Same as IAR (but free for all value line parts).
- MSP-PRGS430 Software. Requires MSP-PRGS430 hardware
- Uniflash Too big to email (~200 MB)
What other options could I consider?