Part Number: AMC3330EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC3302EVM , , AMC3302 , AMC3330 , AMC3301EVM , AMC3301 Hi team,
Customer has questions about AMC3330EVM and AMC3302EVM as below. Could you suport this?
1. The diffrence of the Bill of Materials for…
Part Number: AMC3330EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC3330 Hello,
on the AMC3330EVM there are labels glued on the isolation barriers on both sides of the board.
Is this okay for the security requirements?
Part Number: AMC3330EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC3330 Hello,
I am testing then AMC3330EVM with the inputs INN & INP shorted and get quite a bit of output noise, approx 10mVrms on OUTP & OUTN.
Taking the spectrum, the main energy is…
Hi Dave,
P marked are early prototype devices. I checked my notes and found two possible differences:
1. Gain of 2.05 as opposed to specified gain of 2.
2. Common-mode input voltage violation triggering a fail-safe output:
As the P marked devices are…
Hi Rashmita,
You will want to use a resistor divider to scale the 0-28V down to 0-1V to match the input of the AMC3330-Q1. The EVM's user-guide and device datasheet provide schematic and layout recommendations:
Part Number: AMC3330-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC3330EVM Hi,
When will AMC3330-Q1 be released?
And when will PAMC3330-Q1(samples) be available?
Best Regards,