Part Number: DS90UB9702-Q1 Tool/software: hello sir,
In DS90UB9702 datasheet, it mentioned "DS90UB97x-Q1 FPD-Link IV Power-Over-Coax Design Guidelines", could you help to provide this document?
Part Number: DS90UB9702-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I received some review comments on DS90UB9702 based design. VDD supply decoupling cap, I have used 1uF, 0.1uF and 0.01uF on VDD11xx pin as mentioned in the datasheet and referance design, The reviwer provide…
Part Number: DS90UB9702-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA4VH-Q1 , DS90UB953-Q1 , Tool/software: We are using DS90UB953-Q1 to DS90UB9702-Q1 serdes communication in our design connected to TDA4VH-Q1 SOC whereas, three no of DS90UB953-Q1 serializer data…
Part Number: DS90UB9702-Q1 Hello Team,
Could you please share the full datasheet, application notes and reference design of DS90UB9702-Q1 part ? Also we want to know power estimation for this chip.
Part Number: DS90UB9702-Q1 Hello TI experts,
Could FPD-LINK3 and FPD-LINK4 run simultaneously on DS90UB9702-Q1?
In our application, we need connect one 8MP remote camera and three 3MP remote cameras.
The 8MP remote camera follows FPD-LINK4 while the three…
Part Number: DS90UB953-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB9702-Q1 , Tool/software: Hi we are using DS90UB953-Q1 serilaizer with DS90UB9702-Q1 deserializer. Can you please suggest POC network for this configuration
Part Number: DS90UB953-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB964-Q1 , DS90UB936-Q1 , DS90UB962-Q1 , DS90UB954-Q1 , DS90UB960-Q1 , DS90UB934-Q1 , DS90UB914A-Q1 , DS90UB9702-Q1 As per datasheet DS90UB953-Q1 is compatible with DS90UB954-Q1, DS90UB964-Q1, DS90UB962…